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Alpha's Missing Triplets


Word Count: 1000    |    Released on: 07/03/2024




the King was referring to his daughters when he made h

h mixed emotions; as much as I had been longing to leave the pack, I never expected it to end this way. I

, I was more than prepared for anything that was about to happen. Without wasting time, I loosened myself from the King's grip and ran towa

King but the more I refused, the harder I got hit by the King. After all was said and done, I was forcefully dragged towards the King's horse and whe

s better for me that I wasn't even greeted at all than receiving a backstabbing goodbye greeting from

iously thought that in the palace of an Alpha King, there would always be commotion because all the Kings seemed to take on this common attitude of ill-treating t

orms of the servants to the dressing of the King's family members and the beautiful decorations of the palace. "Welcome s

and notwithstanding the threats which the family posed on my life, I still respected them enough to the extent of greeting them with all the respect left

left that I shouldn't take whatever happens in the palace to heart and I was working towards achieving that which he urged me to. "Wherever you find yoursel

ng, I was carried forcefully into a strange room which I assumed to be King Logan's room. I was locked like a prisoner in the

ng, for fear of being punished. "The King demands that we take you into the prison yard." He explained when I asked him where he was taking me. My fear increa

at had been bothering me, "Why the prison yard?" His response wasn't what I had expected; he squeezed his face, giving me a demeaning glare. "Enough of the

ed to keep a close watch over me to prevent me from making a funny move. My stay in the prison was a very dreadful one.

de, I began to hear the footsteps

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