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Word Count: 1653    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

shade and from the tangle of the brush to feed in the open, and the dogs, which had laid one on either side of the man, rose a

to a sharp point in its furthest downward reach near his chin. To the right, to the left, to the right, to the left, while his eyes,

er that he leaned back with a sigh of content; the brown juice had struck fairly and squarely on the centre of th

distant sheep sounded close, mingled with the light clangour of the bells. But the perfect peace was broken rudely now by the form of a horseman looming black and


ng, st



I cam

; when he spoke his eyes held steadily and sadly

of nobody who

se over there?

point of land that jutted out onto the waters of the l


r and was gone again more quickly than a cloud shad

ce looks pretty good to me

t eat

, I'd like to cast a couple of times over some of the pools I've p

r that owns

What's h

shaggy eyebrows and s

long aroun


ew, he owns

der, as though imprinting the w


and ask him if h

home, but he lives on th

ar from


now him whe


picture pleased him. "I'll hunt him up and ask him

hat's yo

think he'

the house


s a grave in



y me. I'll drop over t

. You'll be passin' him

's t

uesdays once a month; to

e I can camp over the

of nobody wh

brings Drew over

I was brung up not

ctious laugh that the shepherd smiled in the very act of spittin

My name is Anthony Bard and I'm out here seeing the mounta

terest, but Bard swung from his hors

d we might as well get acquainted, eh?


now you, M

happen to have no f


ve got is plug. Kind of hard on

tobacco, though,

h Logan opened, taking f

re he removed the quid from his mouth and introduced the great pinc

ed upon Bard and a l

a price on this t

"to help you forget all t

pouch into the breast pocket of his shirt. Afterward his gaze sought the dim summits of the L

with me if you

summoned, cover

used to camping alone-and

ite relief, "I ain't got much use for company-away from a bar. But I c

I'll explor

nted out. But once fairly out of sight in the second-growth forest, he veered sharply to the right, touc

rotting and crumbling toward the ground, awaiting the shake of one fierce gust of wind to disappear in a cloud of mouldy dust. He left his horse with the reins hanging over its head behind

hese shook and groaned under his weight. A whimsical fancy made him think of the fabled boat of Charon which will flo

. Half the boards, fallen from the ceiling, revealed the bare rafters above; below there were ragged holes in the flooring. In one place a li

t corner-posts supporting cross-beams, which in turn held up the mouldering roof. In the centre was a rude table and on eith

s, like one who shakes off the spell of a nightmare. He strode through t

whose branches were interwoven overhead in a sort of impromptu roof. From the surface of the mound all the weeds and grasses had been carefully clear

y. He studied it with painful care, poring intently over each faint impression. He who cared for the grave had apparently been t





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