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Tango with the Alpha's Heart

Chapter 9 Tidal wave

Word Count: 1340    |    Released on: 09/03/2024


g to her lips as she gasped wide-eyed. She loo

froze in his tracks when

ever saw a she-wolf give birth and shift at t

my side, unsu

ng his shirt and pulling hi

had the urg

eliver the pup to the world, taking my shifted hand

me over my moans. "It's

e hours—I whimpered and yelled, and ev

ed all control over to my wolf; she took control and completed

und me from all the

hift my focus f

crying?" I dem

ned around to face me. I could read the sadness in his eye

at him,

"We tried everything

and sobbed

Em," she cried,

and took Lex from the

s from him. He was a c

hit me like a

was already bl

ing for control, as my emotions spira

d! He's born dead. I

ing I had left from my ma

Lex. She blocked me to the side

g, but it was as if there was

urned to face the blood moon, t

and I could feel the power of the

ng the rays

nt. Everyone was h

up sounded, there wasn't

ck, and I shifted back to

atulate me, and then Xavier

eling, my dear?

pull my attention away

, knitting my eyebrow

ain minutes ago; now, e

" Xavier asked.

had taken her place in my min

n her, tapping into he


get some rest," Mi

ed in my mind. "You need to give pr

ng a shiver run down my back. I haven'

said. "You will need to protect h

ng. Yet, I haven't even

" I asked, hoping

y, and she disappeared in

ot introduced to you


ng the name on my tongu

d. I could read the excitement

," Xavier suggested. "We have

ow just said," I

ve," Xavier said, stee

check up on Lex?" I asked, my

ed through my mind. "Now leave,

se to the goddess, and thanked her for sparing Lex's life.

ing tonight,"

hands. He was surely a handsome baby. It was hard not

?" I que

led, watchin

aid, seriously. "That's remarkable. That's excluding the fact that you are at the festivities after

aled me; no wonder

remarkable, my

nd overlooking the bonfire. "Would you mi

her. My parents have always been Beta's. T

pped his g

shifted into a normal werewolf

k me by

ne gasped? I didn't pay much a

lf look like?" I

have a feeling that you would b

of existence more than 150 years ago. They were stron


ry," I said. "Maybe something is i

er n

her of your son's histor

one who knew who

l me," Xavier said aft

eath. "Lex's father doesn't know of his e

etely left me; I just found ways to distract

y best," Xav

lack, from the Opal Pack," I s

didn't say anything. He knew the reason

ook into the family

urious about what he would fi

e found would create a tidal wa


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