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The Rich Code

Chapter 3 It's not your fault

Word Count: 1430    |    Released on: 09/03/2024

ant brought two newspapers, one from

inancial trends of the entire country and even the international community

ut some social changes, such as employment ra

o lower interest rates and reduce large loans to reduce

ey will increase interest rates and encourage people

to analyze the upcoming national situations, and then decide whether to

cannot handle it well will find it difficult to sustain it for a long ti

college student to assist him. He sees it as

for about ten minutes. Mr. Fox didn't interrupt him

on. This ordinary person named Ric

ess guess. It's som

remain calm when invited, let alone maintain

ich is only twenty years old

hen placed both newspapers in front of Mr. Fox. "I've underlined the

hem several times, they still had no clue. It was all information a

know what these represent. Do

cause he faced an excellent client and money in

ed to stop him, but Mr. Fox stopped them, which also m

he said before, this trus

facing apartments, and the rent for this one is..." Rich poi

eplied, "One hundred an

d thirty-five dollars. Let's ignore everything e

ion on the other newspaper that had been underlined. He continu

reet and are less than one hundred meters apart. From

to think seriously and said, "The monthly

hat involving participants at a deeper level could save a lot of

hat the conclusions they draw are correct, wh

ath problems are wrong, every participant believes that t

equation," which made him begin to be surrounded by a hypocritica

ot tell him these things. He came to these conclusions himself

' time..." Rich paused and continued, "No, actually it is increasing every day, littl

o what does this have to do

there. They do not change with the passage of time

looks like now, it hasn't changed. It is constant

ch gave the answer because Mr. Fox w

he needed them to discover at the right time, r

es during the 'payment' process, it can only be said tha

our hands..." Rich didn't know when he took out a coin fro

metal tremor that attracted the attention of Mr. Fox, his assist

ating, and it has depreciated by about 22 to

g motionless on the newspaper and he began to seriously

dying management. If it weren't for Mr. Fox's higher salary on this side, i

kes in what he said. In this process, Lynch used gold for a second round of examples and instill

ith his examples, and he even brought up the fact that ten years ago pe

production process and flow haven't changed much. It's not that the

rified. He changed his sitting position a bit and said with a sti

n this way, but these fragile sense of security wa

ing currency is not something you can take out and

d this is also a form of 'compound interest'. If you don't quickly send all

shrugging his shoulders and spreading his hands, "Your pro

bout that insignific

|) ᕦ༼༎


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1 Chapter 1 The Beginning2 Chapter 2 Statement of Facts3 Chapter 3 It's not your fault4 Chapter 4 When you fail from the start, you have already lost the persistence5 Chapter 5 Sometimes making money is easy6 Chapter 6 The first step towards legend7 Chapter 7 What causes darkness is not evil, but light8 Chapter 8 We have our rules here9 Chapter 9 Give him a taste of his own medicine10 Chapter 10 Everyday a little new trick11 Chapter 11 Standing in the first square, gazing at the eleventh square12 Chapter 12 In a society intelligence can dominate everything13 Chapter 13 The necessity of pain education during the growth process14 Chapter 14 rules15 Chapter 15 We lost last headline, have anyone seen it 16 Chapter 16 From today, be a law-abiding federal citizen17 Chapter 17 The Cutting Edge of the Trend18 Chapter 18 Hostage19 Chapter 19 I am a straightforward person who doesn't lie20 Chapter 20 The Light of Righteousness21 Chapter 21 Walking in the World22 Chapter 22 It's all for work23 Chapter 23 Gentleman Alliance24 Chapter 24 The birth of power often relies on a dominant force of violence25 Chapter 25 Multi talented Young Man26 Chapter 26 under progress27 Chapter 27 Don't panic, call the police first28 Chapter 28 One Small Tip Every Day 229 Chapter 29 Endless Reincarnation30 Chapter 30 Stages of Life Changes31 Chapter 31 Acting like you know when you don't know is the most dangerous thing32 Chapter 32 Every family has a difficult Bible to read33 Chapter 33 The past and the upcoming34 Chapter 34 Attitude determines the future, don't make promises lightly35 Chapter 35 The mouse dug a hole on the embankment36 Chapter 36 Strained family relationships37 Chapter 37 Some people have already pointed to us what’s the right direction38 Chapter 38 I is a way of thinking based on independent personality39 Chapter 39 Hi, Ao Pu Le Si Sang Mu Wan Ying Tu Kai Ao Mi (✧∇✧)40 Chapter 40 The struggle can be more vicious than physical fights41 Chapter 41 An outlier has infiltrated among us42 Chapter 42 Being an adult is not easy, indeed43 Chapter 43 The collision between dark clouds44 Chapter 44 In this world, everything can be measured except for the human heart45 Chapter 45 Struggling for Retirement Benefits46 Chapter 46 Have a well-thought-out plan before hand47 Chapter 47 Every word you say may incriminate yourself48 Chapter 48 Where human live, will have conflict49 Chapter 49 Everyone are here, then let's start the meeting50 Chapter 50 To be a police, you need to win people over with evidence51 Chapter 51 The Cycle of Cause and Effect Continues52 Chapter 52 You always have to choose one and accept the consequences53 Chapter 53 All grudges and resentments are now cleared from now54 Chapter 54 Be a person who knows how to separate work from personal life55 Chapter 55 New business, new profit sharing56 Chapter 56 The most terrifying force in society is people themselves57 Chapter 57 The complexity of human nature lies in the contradictions within it58 Chapter 58 Left hand, Pocket, Right Hand59 Chapter 59 The Coming Opportunity of Life60 Chapter 60 How much strength you have determines how much burden you have to bear61 Chapter 61 Taking the first step towards the vast starry Universe62 Chapter 62 There are always some people ahead of their age63 Chapter 63 Thanks given is the key to gaining more friendships64 Chapter 64 Gaitnau Company's Newborn65 Chapter 65 Everyday is a new-day!66 Chapter 66 Where can we find a class monitor 67 Chapter 67 Just like that, straight forward!68 Chapter 68 Michael's End69 Chapter 69 Mr. Rich shines and gives off heat like the sun70 Chapter 70 The second regret thing71 Chapter 71 Social Gathering at the Round Table72 Chapter 72 Always putting the customer first is the key to success73 Chapter 73 As long as the fly flies around, it can always find a crack in the egg74 Chapter 74 Sometimes fools also say a few wise words75 Chapter 75 The era is like a car, and wealth is the fuel76 Chapter 76 The key to becoming above all people77 Chapter 77 Self-Contained Traffic, Who Dares to Compete78 Chapter 78 Rich's Relaxing Moment79 Chapter 79 The scariest thing is what I think you want to do80 Chapter 80 Yes, this is the link of fate81 Chapter 81 The streets are full of high-quality resources82 Chapter 82 Culture is like an invisible blade that cuts through everything83 Chapter 83 You think you're smart enough, fingers crossed!84 Chapter 84 Reporter and entourage85 Chapter 85 Realizing his mistake and the remedy in time 86 Chapter 86 Who is cheating whom is really uncertain87 Chapter 87 no way no way no way88 Chapter 88 As long as you wear a mask, everyone is a movie star89 Chapter 89 Second-Hand Goods Trading Auction90 Chapter 90 Making money is just that simple91 Chapter 91 Mr. Rich once again show a kind smile92 Chapter 92 Feel the enthusiasm93 Chapter 93 Crazy Dividends94 Chapter 94 There are three ways to eat a fish95 Chapter 95 Carnival!96 Chapter 96 come on, let’s happy, we have a lot of times97 Chapter 97 The Guide98 Chapter 98 The pursuit of eating99 Chapter 99 To be a responsible good person100 Chapter 100 Social change begins from you and me