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Troop One of the Labrador


Word Count: 1434    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ment it touched the shore, and as its occupant ste

e! 'Tis In

me visitor. Perhaps it was the heartier because of the relief the boys experienced in the discovery that the l

canoe from the water, turned it upon its side and foll

an Jake's hand. "We've finished eating, but there's p

d's empty plate and heaped it with stew and dumpling from

opper-hued skin and straight black hair of the Indian, but otherwise his features might have been those of a white man. Indian Jake had been the trapp

earned the reputation of being one of the best trappers in the region. Then, suddenly, he disappeared owing the Hudson's Bay Company a considerable sum for equipment and provisions sold him on credit. It was well known that in the winter pr

son in the interior. It was at this time that Thomas Angus broke his leg, and it became necessary for David and Andy to take his place on the trails. They were too young to endure the

sufficient, however, to re-establish confidence in him. There was a lurking suspicion among them, fostered by Uncle Ben Rudder of Tuggle

th the last of the stew and again emptied it, in

tion and praise when his meal was fi

day before yesterda

s he puffed industriously at his pipe.

oing to Fort Pelican to get some th

yet. Too early. Got four. Goin' to The Jug now to give Thomas a

o start in a fort

sooner. Start when we're ready. I want to go qui

conversation, but only receiving responsive grunts, turned to a discussion of the flag and other scout prob

," Doctor Joe invited. "Bet

from the damp earth. Then he produced a Hudson's Bay Company blanket, once white but now of uncertain

Joe suggested presently. "He wants to sleep b

the air and profit by the firelight, they were soon snug


ylight, and Doctor Joe, on his hands a

've been sleeping like bears and it's broad daylight. Hu

gone for a considerable time. A fat goose was hanging from the limb of a tree. Fastened to it was a pi

he lads bekos t

ifted the lid of the large cooking kettle

Andy exclaimed. "He's always pl

Doctor Joe. "Breakfast all ready but

breeze soon dropped to a dead calm. Doctor Joe unshipped the rudder and began sculling, while the boys laboured at the long oars. At

vid, indicating a small wooded island. "We might s

and not a hundred yards distant, stood Lem Horn's cabin. It was a secluded and peculiarly lonely spot, hidden by the island from the few boa

smoke," ob

ort Pelican getting their wi

as he stepped ashore with the painter and made it fast, while Le

llers whether or not the host is at home. Andy was in advance, and ope

with blood, and on the floor near him was a small pool of blood.

ned over the p

d he, "and

dy shot he?" asked Da

ve happened yesterda


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