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Whispers of the Mighty

Chapter 6 An alliance

Word Count: 1951    |    Released on: 10/03/2024

pace enshrined in knowledge and wisdom,As he settled into his chair behind the desk, she positioned herself n

with anticipation, "do you perhaps have something signific

ch an injury were to befall his other offspring, they would not only exhibit visible distress, but would indeed unleash a torrent of complaints even upon being subjected to the

at hand, for I am fully capable of addressing it myself, once I have secluded myself within the

found himself somewhat unfamiliar with this daughter of his, unsure of how to approach the situ

o tend to them myself without any lasting scars. Therefore, I believe I can handle this without the need for a doctor. Thank you again for your concern, but

ntenance, exuding an aura of composed tranquility. With an air of

he parlor, I was indeed reprimanded in the disciplinary chamber with a sturdy leather strap,The repercussions were indeed severe, leaving me with an array of injuries that beset my physical well-being. Strangely, though,

y direction. Fortunately, I managed to evade it swiftly, but not without receiving a deep cut on my arm. In this moment of need, my devoted personal maid came to my aid, helping me tend to the wound with utmost care, since no professional medical assistance was rea

proach, choosing instead to pose an intriguing inquiry to his interlocutor “ In your subjective e

ent wording. “ in what terms is father asking of “ As the question lingered in the air, Laurel's eyeb

ed the esteemed Duke, his sharp and seasone

nsidering the implications with great care. She sp

y seem. Perhaps amidst these assassins and spies, there exist some compassionate souls who are genuinely kind-hearted. It is not inconceiva

based solely on their outer appearance or reputation. While it may be true that good ones could be a rarity among them, the mere possib

ider the potential for good to exist even within the darkest corners. After all, it is through unders

meanor, even as she mentioned her mother,a subtle

that, within the vast tapestry of his lineage, it was the presence of his illegitimate daughter alone that dared to serenely articulate their age-old enemies , "What if, perchan

he words she had once possessed with such ease now seemed distant and elusive, slipping through her fingers like gra

nd crevices. Yet, the suffocating silence enveloped her, as if mocking her

lute calm. Inhaling deeply, she gathered the last fragments of her linguistic pr

utely aware of the longstanding animosity between our illustrious realm and the l

nterlocutor of the rules without directly addressing the query. With poise and deliberation, he delved into the piles of paperwork strewn across his desk until his keen eyes settled on a precisely-folded parchment. With a graceful motion, he

r father's gaze. The decree, meticulously penned and adorned

er of the night creatures within the high council, surpassing that of the human population. To combat the threat of the night creatures' advantage, it is imperative that we harmonize with them

. He may have put on a facade of care and protection in that fleeting moment, but she saw through his insincerity. Throughout her time with him, he had consistently treated her like mere morsel of cheese, navigating his way through their rela

vantage over us," he expressed, his tone weighted with concern. However, he paused, a certain meaningful look in his eyes as he turned towards Laurel. "You will be i

berately designed to harbor only one valid solution, devoid of any room for personal sentiment or subjective input. It was a cunning move, for indeed, by assenting to the alliance, anyone would

taken it upon himself to embrace this potential alliance," she uttered, her voice tinged with a mix of resignation and deter

self for the trials that lay ahead, fully aware tha

meet the mentor who will guide you in understanding these magnificent creatures. You ma

ward in a respectful manner and departed from the area. Within the concealed recesses of the back room, the Duke's pier

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