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Bargain Bride: The Billionaire's Forced Wife

Chapter 8 Protected or Caged

Word Count: 1546    |    Released on: 11/03/2024

hiara told the guards who

eir heads. "Apologies, signo

to leave the house even with bodyguards. Every movement of her was bei

ll be back after 15 minutes," she res

with silver hair said. "Signor Ezio to

y do I have to wait for him? It's a d

ra. Please just stay within

Chiara went inside the house onc

d while pulling her

ra, we can take you to the garden. You

"I've been doing that for the past

s request. Even if she wants to accompany the lady

y of the party where Giovanni threatened him, he did

ras and hired people to check every meal that Chiara will eat. He couldn't let a

s pure, it didn't give a good

s caging her like a prisoner. She felt like Ezio's slowly taking over of everything. Fro

se of the cameras scattered around the house. She cou

ng. It's maki

, trying to convince the guards to let her out, denied, staying inside the house or

very seldom saw her husband. She will wake up to know that Ezio already le


dining area. Hurriedly, she walked big steps and preparing herself fo

an sitting on the dining t

coffee and turned his body toward

straight right to her point. "I w

second thought, Ezio

hat. "Care to tell me why? The park is jus

can explore the other parts of the mansion i

days! I already memorized the blueprint of this mansion!" she

and stood up. "You can't go out. You don't

for me? I don't have any enemy

ots of them,"

nd what does it have to do with me

're my wife.

aware how dirty those people can be, and how they can use other people

fe will be safe. He has a good intention, but what he doesn't know is

zio. He is a bad news to her. Her life was in chaos because of him. She cannot

life wouldn't be in danger," Chi

ned. Even though he did his best to deny it, it is always

ht her t

from her, hiding his hurting eyes

r!" Chiara shouted. "L

rything before we talk about this matter,"

he exclaimed. "It's your enemies who caused this! Yet I'm the one who's suffering! You can

her husband, but Ezio was too fast. Before she could s

gs. She even picked up a small stone and threw i

arting to fall from her eyes. Before they could esca

ere nothing. She poured all of her tears out while dialing t

voice cracked while t

ddenly became worried when they he

hiara. "What happened? Are yo

ugh they can't see each oth

to be there," her dad said. "Just divorce

most sounding like a whisper. Ezio's words

prison is pure torture for her. They're already old, and her fa

mother told her with a soothing voice. "It's our fault things turned o

and mind, it is better that she will be the one r

her parents behind the bars

is better than

said before taking a deep

on her bed and stared at the ceiling for several minutes. Her mind im

ing her best life with

vibrated and a certain mes

s a good news. But as soon as she opened the chat, her whole body

s wedding. Aren't yo

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