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The Swedish Prince (#Royal Romance 1)

Chapter 9 Flirting

Word Count: 3543    |    Released on: 12/03/2024

s POV c

lly did fall asleep. So when I woke up again I had that stic

one as everything comes f

m rising, the dark-gray light of daw

l be silent until around eight or nine when t

ther hour before I get started on the day's chores, but

is still closed–so much for him spending the night outside his door with a gun–and I have no idea w

thing to a weapon, and holding it in one hand like I'm about to brandi

ouse but for once the door opens silently and I'm

o the light from the hall is able to flow in, a spotli

nd fall of his chest. He's on his back, which in hindsight wasn't the best

face even in the low light, the way that the shadows catch the hollow

tirs, jus

not wanting to start

in some language, h

," I continue. "Just know

ver sound l

t and touc

It sticks straight up off the be


ably stop tou


s me yelp, jum

in the doorway, rubbing his

back in time to se





s yel

pissed and being pissed in a for

proach the guy, my hands raised, but of course one of my hands is holding the razor a

k, rattling the headboard and somewhe

h for keeping t

trying to sound assuring though m

sh now. That same perfect English from yesterday, his a

nt while he keeps talking, "Whe

"No. No you're fi

," he says, nodding at the razor, his word

oom because I feel like he'll make a run for it when I do and the last thing I

actic on his behalf and then he'll be the one armed with the razor. And I'm def

oom where it hits the wind

here," I tell him, still

I?" Korkor

our house,"

?" Now it's Thyme behind

jamas. "Thyme, take Callum to the kitchen now.

king impressed. He comes into the room, arms crossed, eyes f

immediately gets to his feet and everyon

just such a looming, formidable pre

Sverige pauses, looks at Callum, "heck i

t call the police on you last n

htly, a cloudy look c

hotel." And at that, a look of realization washes over his face, slowly at first, then like he's been doused in cold water. I clear my throat. "I was with Annette at the b

situation to everyone, maybe to spare potential embarrassme

e him back to his h

n the dim light, they're the

emind myself.

like the staff and the guests to mingle outside

watch his Adam's apple bob in his

sk in such a way that's basical

their way. Rosemary and Thyme and Callum are still s

f them and attempts to make them bac

wake up April too,"

ight," Rosemary informs me as


leather jacket from the chair, though he wobbles on his fe

you," I tell him absently while my mind goes over what Rosemary said. April didn't come

er jacket pockets for his phone. When he finall

him. "I brought you here, it'

im and he's really looking at me. We see each other, not in some awkward naked encounter or drunken

er a moment, breaking his gaze to

here, so yeah

e are you

not wanting to get int

ever so slightly. "I'm really sorry for what happened last night

s words make me s

t remember any of it

a drink and that was that. You passed out. Then my friend and I got there and I can confirm that you didn't hurt anyone, you were out cold

arfully at that. "It would

in the day..." Pause for awkwardness. "It just didn't feel

o slightly to study me through his long las

rows are

tugs at the cor

ng flirtin

r door if you're going to be strutting around your roo

have never met y

scarcely a

and felt bad enough about the whole thing to actu

God, I should have

ll or two I probably shouldn't have and then had something to drink, which I most definitely shoul

ling wallpaper of my parent's neglected old bedroom but then I realize he's lost in his

t it," I reassure him. "You wer

re of him all night. That even though our encounter previously was

butter-soft leather jacket over those thick arms, those broad shoul

a dangerous stranger. I actually want to get to know him because e

e's a man with a story, the kind you w

I've been staring at him. "Well, Mr. Sv

Miss America

y look. "Where ar

't know?

hen my expression turns sheepish. "Which

" he asks i

bed before I head out of the room. "Yo

of the bed and I quickly scampe

as I curl my hands around the lea

ggie?" he asks in a hus

otel, chill out." I shru

ming wi

tive, but this is on another level. "I'l

of words. They hang

rumbles, his dark brows knit together.

ou that. I promised mom and dad that when I agreed to

Then he stares at the wallet. "How much mon

ask sus

e won't

ps. "Are you sugg

was Callum'

helping someone and you're sugg

ed the

what the hell is wrong with that kid to suggest t

ll find out at th

ge's deep voice as he turns th

round to hand Sverige his wallet. "Here you go. I was only holding onto i

ushing against each other for a second that


ere," I tell hi

ent before he says, "I trust you"

ay, eyeing Pike to

changed or drive him i

n. Stay there.

d a sweater in seconds, returning to the hall to see the

"Any idea where

time April hasn't come home but even so, we're go

her too. No answer. And the me

g," I say. And I hate t

otsteps surprisingly light on the steps. Now that he's up and abo

hrough the space in front of it with a

the thought flits through

en. I glance at him over my shoulder to see him looking over th

oping if we move fast enough pas


by the kitchen and the foreigner decides to st

are at him over the guy's massive frame a

ry are sitting around the kitchen table with bowls of No Name Flakes of Corn. Callum is h

e?" Callum asks

on't let him put that sugar in his cereal, do you understand?" I place my ha

ity in his eyes that I suddenly feel hot under my skin, realizing the t

cused on his lips. "Yeah," I say soft

e says, almost proudly. It's enough to tear my eyes away fro

I have to get this guy out of here before my brot

ll him, nodding

confused by the nickname. "Very nice to meet you all," he

ue down the hall I can hear Rosemary repeat to the

ask him as we head out to the mini

s and stops in front of the

d accent are making it difficult, as well as the fact that

s at me. Is he having a seizu

u okay?

d to the side of the van a

e that?" he asks ev

cause you looked like you were judging my ride

. I wasn't judging. I was interested in your house,

I can't help b

so gorgeous an

gives a bit of a cough and rumble before it pur

tudying me. My stomach does a backflip. I can't remember the last time a man–hell, anyone–loo

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