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My amnesia girl


Word Count: 794    |    Released on: 12/03/2024

beautiful face. By the way, in our gr

HEN,' note that it was

eaded to the kitchen to

"good morning," of cou

y brother went to work. My sister went to the market to sel

s simple,

y child," my


said, holding a ne

ecause the necklace my dad gave

or real?" I sai

mom, who was a

a long time. Come on, let's put it on your

heir gen

on me, and after tha

d, they truly loved me. "Thank you, mom,

nd we stayed in that embrace. "Come on, let's finish wha

ded and he

they became my fam

so much,

Hailey, my younger sister. Her full name is Hailey Shannon Soriano, and she's 10 years old. I

and went to mom to ask for permission, "Ma, I'm going to Ate's room, okay?" I in

ned. She looked at me about to speak when Shanna arrived. "Mom, Kuy

Cedric," suddenly said Mom, "I'll take care of it." She repeated. I looked behind her and sa

should be there," she said. "Okay, let's go," Ced said. I

hout anyone wanting to speak. "Uh, Aurelia, how are you?" he asked. "I'm okay, h

gether but smiled. What's their problem? "Wow, Ced," one of them said. "A dream come true, Ced

I have a crush on Ced, we've only been together now, so

as in disbelief. "Oh, sorry, are you okay?" he asked, letting go of my hand. "

I saw some people. Clearly wealthy. We entered, and I was surprised to see their

w-waiting for you for so l-long," he didn't finish his sentence as his ey

I don't know you," I said, smiled, and then we l

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