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Enchanting Royalty

Chapter 8 Rejection

Word Count: 1648    |    Released on: 20/03/2024


nothing but a lie. I scoffed. These werewolves are too gullible for their own good. How can they claim to be the strongest when they are nothing but actually the weakest, as soon

t day. Well, as you can guess, since I'm able to walk freely in the pack house, I decided to take a walk in t

ng, having a strict diet to follow, always saying yes to what father said, bearing all the hard blows I used to get in practice fights, all just to become the person I am today. Would I call myself strong? Not really. Because I was still

d my limits to reach my potential just so I wouldn't feel left out, speaks enough for the love he had for me

or so, with blonde hair and pale skin, standing next to me in ripped jeans and a crop to

y voice came out rud

ristian's younger and co

w that she mentioned it, I could see the

ind if I

e was just being nice. But for some reason, the fact that I was away from home, having to act like I belo

, I'm still thankful to you for giving Christian a chance. All his life he has only been devoted to King Dominic and sacrificed every

d at her as if she h

is the only family I have left. He did not take care of me like an older brother, but rather a father. Ignoring himself to make sure I got everything I wanted. And in this process he completely lost himself, became a robot just res

continue his duties. Something to live for. So thank you for giving us a chance to mend things for once between Werewolves and the Sh

y got the best of me and

hardly the case, since they can't fight against the bond and immediately feel attracted towards their better halves as so

cess? Do you guys like, sign papers or some

t him out loud. Of course, with their title, if they have one." Either she is very stupid or she has trusted me wa

k?" You just remem

ust..general know


edge Julia had parted with me. I was smiling ear to ear when

I simply

o me as I turned from the window to fully face him. I gave

d against the wall rather harshly with a hand covering my mouth as my eyes stared into the bright gol

or me to know, his wolf was threatening to come out. He kept me locked between him and the wall, one of his pal

of him. He looked feral. Sounded feral. The aggression, the fury that burned within his eyes was enough to send chills down my spine and I kn

k have I done? Just reduced my chances of escaping. Think quick Mia, think quick! I did the only thing that came to my mind. I laughed. I laughed l

fake laughing. "Gosh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that, Christian." I laughed again, "I just wanted to see how possessive werewolves can be over th

sorry, I won't do that again. Ever. I swear I wasn't going to complete the sentence. I wasn't even

have literally tried many other things. But that, Mia, is not a joke." He seethed. "And if you ever think you can get away from me Mia, you are wrong! Nothing in this world can take you

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