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Reborn And Marry My Ex-husband’s Enemy

Reborn And Marry My Ex-husband’s Enemy


Chapter 1 Coming Back

Word Count: 1863    |    Released on: 18/03/2024

you? Lily is much better than you," Mark s

speaking, laughed loudly, and stood up, leaving Emma to embr

st a drama for everyone. You love

him with eyes full of disgust, regretting that she couldn't rise and stab him. Emma hated him to the core. She never expected that this marriage was initially his plan, and her

o gloomy since you came

out and waved her hand in front of Emma'

to life in past, five years prior to the day of her d

aid looking at t

it be that something is haunting you?" Nancy asked

e and her best friend, Nancy, visited a temple on Mou

e are things much more frighteni

a gentle and talented person, seemed a bit str

e that sent shivers down everyone's spine. When Emma suddenly touched a multicolored stone she had accidentally noticed, she immediately

aw you faint in the temple on Mount Denali,

hrough people's hearts,"

ning behind Emma's words and looked a

ood. I'm afraid you'

ey were driving Emma's limited edition BMW i8 and was gradually leaving Mount

as hesitated to reveal the


a voice beside her, causing her to involuntar

ing on?" N

e me so

t is

, stay away from Mark,

burst into laughter and then said, "I won't

; there was no remaining affection. It was just that in her previous life, Nancy had suddenly died in her own home. The police had ruled it as a suicide, but with someon

omehow related to Mark. Living with Mark for five years, he

seeing Emma's serious and stern e

Stay away from him as

her friend. Emma, who was usually gentle and reserved, was unusually enthusiastic today. In Nancy's t

re of yo

now, something she dared not to think about. This time, Emma had to protect everyone

screen but hesitated to answer. Nancy, on the other hand

hone? It seems urgent if th

cked up the phone. On the other end, a man's voice

t to pray for your

and the company was bidding for a new project. Despite everything, Emma went to the sacre

nt? How about praying for

th a deep breath and an emotionless face, she held the phone to her ear, an

o ask more questions, pretending to be concerne

ng to the mountain early

ice sounding somewhat pitiful and hard to blame. It was precisely because of this that in her previous life,


ing her like this, Mark didn

e, and call me when you

demeanor, wanted to say something but held it in. It seemed that Mount Denali indeed carr

y stopped on its w

s goin

abruptly, so our car bumped into

t ser

. I'll go down

the car in front, realizing tha

d already such bad luck. W


d to ask Emma. Seeing Emma looking ahead a

s car, the

hing, just stared intently at the man, recognizing him as David Jones, t

the young mi

at Emma was a talented and exceptionally b

's ri

t at her best friend, Nancy, standing beside her.

o he is? Why di


ack to face David Jones and took o

ake it for repairs and contact

bout Emma from others, but he never expected her to

ntend to compensa

a bad

tared at each other. The girl in the car then stepped out and

ssed in a tight black dress that revealed more than it

king forward to meeting you again," he

your head on the


u talking to that

ment and then looked

l know

thing wrong w

womanizer, and it was inconceivable for him to be matched with someone like Emma. Especial

with Mark? Why are you

better t

revenge. If she had to choose someone to marry, it would be David. A loveless marriage would be fine as

u reall

r I do in the futu

sly, not wanting her to know too muc

still su

car. If Emma had followed her usual pattern, she would have handed the card straightforwardly, and there would be no need for


losed her eyes, ignoring Nancy, wh

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