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Seduced by Darkness: Mated to the Fire Demon

Chapter 7 A Heartbreaking Farewell

Word Count: 1975    |    Released on: 18/03/2024

s now a sombre gathering of mournful faces and heavy hearts. As the realization of the young boy's death sank in, t

rms. The weight of Alex's still form was a crushing burden, and James clung to him as if his love alone could b

behind James and his son. There were no words to offer solace; there was only the shared understanding

e girl's confusion had given way to a painful comprehension of the truth.

ly) Come, Cassi

tsteps weighed down by grief. Cassia's small hand held tightly to her mother's,

heartbeat echoing the loss of a cherished son, brother, and friend. Cedarbrook, a place

t, his hands trembling as he arranged his son's beloved belongings around him.

ces and support. They brought food, lit candles, and shared stories o

d one by one in the sky, Cedarbrook

see Alex's cheerful smile or hear his laughter again weighed on the hearts of every villager. With a

for Alex's final farewell. The solemnity of the occasion hung heavily in

htly clutching each other's. Cassia, unable to fully grasp the magnitude of the loss, si

n the responsibility of organizing the burial ceremony. They selected

ranches of the oak tree. The sun cast a gentle, melancholic light, and a coo

d, their faces pale and eyes swollen from endless tears. Cassia, holding a bouquet of wildflowers, wa

offered prayers for Alex's departed soul, and the villagers shared memor

h heavier than the last. The pain of the family was palpable, and their

h grief, placed a single white lily atop his son's resting place. Isabella, h

d of earth that now covered her brother. She clung to her parents, seeking solace in

grave as a symbol of their love and remembrance for Alex. The oak tree, a silent witness t

ef too profound to bear alone. James, Isabella, and Cassia stood together by the oak

r than ever before. The weight of their loss pressed upon them like a relentless storm, and eac

pride and joy, the one who would carry on the family's trade and legacy. Now, tha

is son's life, as if searching for answers in their depths. But the river offered

adness, and the echoes of Alex's laughter seemed to linger in every corner of their hom

d how their beloved Alex had met such a tragic end. They approached the fishermen who

ted information. They recounted how they had seen Alex struggling in the water, bu

id all we could, but the river, he's

tration. They were left with the painful knowledge that their son had been taken from

e of its own, and the memory of Alex would forever be etched into the fabric of their community. Th

eavy fog. Her brother had been her playmate, her confidant, and her closest frien

e echoed through their cottage had been silenced. Cassia's days were filled with moments of longin

ef, fleeting moment, forget about the sorrow that had settled upon her family. But as her sleepy eye

tly, to hers

sed the way he would teach her to climb trees and show her the wonders of the world around th

er daughter. She would hold Cassia close and speak of the happy memories they ha

always watch over you from above.' Isabella sai

hought of her brother. She would visit his makeshift grave beneath the oak tree, leaving wildflowers a

swered questions. The tragedy by the river had left them with a profound sense of bewilderment, and t

he quiet corners of their cottage, their eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and desperation. They knew that their yo

ia, sweetheart, can you tell u

a source of comfort and reassurance. They needed to understa

She stared down at her lap, her eyes brimming with unshed tears, her thoughts a jumbled mess of mem

river, and... and then Alex... he jumped

her brother's brave attempt to save her from the river's grasp was etched in her mi

at Cassia was too young to fully comprehend the magnitude of the situation, and they didn't want to press her for ans

e if you don't remember. We love you, and we'

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