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Uller Uprising

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 2566    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

waffe and the

al. Remnants of the mob that had been broken up by air attack on the road had gotten together and were making rushes in small bands, keeping well spread out.

led from Konkrook, appearing in the screen

en doing to yourself?" von

f inches lower and acting Brigadier-General Colber

n the end. How are you making out? Have

with nitroglycerine. We've shot down about twenty of them, but they're still coming. They tried a boat-attack across the Channel; that's how I got this. We've been doing some bombing, ourselves; we made a down payment for Eric Blount and Hendrik Lemoyne. Took a fifty-ton tank off a fuel-lorry, fitted it with a detonator, filled it with thermoconcentrate, and ferried it over on the Elmoran and dumped it on the Keegarkan Embassy. It must have landed in the middle of the central court; in about

out with your Civil

we've had to keep Buhrmann away from the communications equipment by force. He wanted

he c

verybody on Uller massacred by detail, when you

ll him I have a sense of my duty to the Company and its stockholde

f a state about the losses the Banking Cartel are taking on

s agreeable surprise, had taken hold of his ARP assignment, and was doing an efficient job in organizing for fire-fighting, damage-control and first aid. Colonel Jarman had his airjeeps and combat-cars working in ever-widening circles over the countryside, shooting up everything in sight that even looked like contragravity equ

es and that he was about to blow up the Residency; thereafter Keegark went off the air.... By 0730, the Northern Star had landed the regiment Murderers, armed with first-quality Terran infantry-rifles and a few machine-guns and bazookas, at the Palace at Krink, and by 0845 she had returned with another regiment, the Jeel-Feeders. The three-lane street connecting the Palace and the Residency had been widened to six, and then to eight.... Guido Karamessinis, at Grank, was still at uneasy peace with King Yoor

spaceship-captain's-size drink of honey-rum, and slept until 1600. As he dressed and shaved, he could hear, through the open window, th

-screen pictured a crude breast-work of petrified tree-trunks, sandbags, mining machinery, packing-cases and odds-and-ends, upon which Wallingsby's native laborers were wor

e asked. "She ought to be ta

efore, told him. "General Mordkovitz chased her off to bed a couple of hours ago, called me in to take her place, and then went

of the perimeter on the screen. "Whose idea was that?" he as

hey told her there were ten thousand tons of thermoconcentrate, five thousand tons of blasting-explosives

turned off at Keegark to pay their respects to King Orgzild. They reported the Keegark Residency in ruins, its central buildings vanished in a huge crater; the Jan Smuts and the Christiaan De Wett were still in the Company docks, both apparently damaged by the blast which had destroyed the Residency

l troops into Krink. King Jonkvank, whom

ulted. "The city is yellow with their blood; their hea

we are preparing bombs of great destruction, which we will rain down upon Skilk unti

You promised me that I should have Skilk, on the word of a Terran. Are you going to give me a

your enemies with a whip; when you are weak, all you can d

, the Jeel-Feeders, the Corpse-Reapers, the Devastators, the Fear-Makers. But, now that we have stopped this si

argument made sense; he would have

soon as possible," he said. "We'll try to do

he ruins of the labor-camp and the wreckage of the equipment-park-and there was renewed sniping from the mountainside. The long afternoon of the northern autumn dragged on; finally, at 2200, the sun set, and it was not fully dark for another hour. For some time, there was an ominous quiet, and then, at 0030, the enemy began

n rather thinly held; the defenders immediately called for air-support, and Jarman ordered fifteen of his remaining twenty airjeeps and five combat-cars into the fight. No sooner were t

lly operated and centrally controlled. These slammed shut in every occupied building. The contragravity which had been sent to support the ground-defense at the south side of the Re

e place. One lorry emptied its load of thermoconcentrate-bombs on the control-building at the airport, starting a raging fire and putting the radar out of commission. A repair-shop at the ordnance-depot was set on fire, and a quantity of small-arms and machine-gun ammunition piled outside for transportation to the outer d

arm-tractors, nuclear-powered but unequipped with contragravity-generators, which they were using like ground-tanks of the First Century. This attack penetrated to the middle of

ing patrols around the Reservation and retaliatory bombing missions against Skilk, and began bombarding the city with his 90

stock," he said to Paula, who was stan

ompany buildings with incendiaries, when a second and more severe air-attack developed, consisting of forty or fifty makeshift lorry-bombers and fifteen aircars. The previous attack von Schlichten h

n the first instance, there was a simultaneous ground attack from the southern side, with a demonstration-attack at the north end. For a while, von Schlichten found himself fighting hand-to

tol-clips with salvaged cartridges, the Northern S

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