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The Walking Dead Our Universe

The Walking Dead Our Universe


Chapter 1 Section 1-The New Normal

Word Count: 817    |    Released on: 19/03/2024

pened, Bro Brandon just ate someone, On live tv" Austin said, "I saw" Almon replied. As he walked up to his door, Charlie (Almons dad) opened the door of his house. "Guys

ag that he was wearing and grabbed a Few bandages he saw in a Aisle then pulled out his Axe he had and smashed through the locked freezers, "Who locks a goddamn freezer for drinks during an apocolypes" Austin laughed. Charlie walked over to the Aisle full of oatmeal cookies. "Holy f***" he grabs all the oatmeal cookie boxes and tries to hold onto them, Realising he couldent he just put them down and kept one box. Grunting noises came from the other end of the aisle as Charlie looked over and saw Four Figures heading towards him. "WHAT THE F*** IS THAT?" Charlie said as Austin and Noah ran over to him. Before they could make it in time, one of the Figures bit through Charlies arm. Charlie then dropped the box of oatmeal cookies and smashed his fist through the Figures skull. " Two more came from both sides "RUN" Charlie said, "No, we are not leaving you, " Noah replied. Then Austin took his axe and sliced off all 3 Figures heads. "Those are what you call a walker. Their bite kills you and turns you into one of them, Thats all i know," Noah said. "Is there a way to at least stop the infection from spreading" Charlie said hurting in pain, "Well, Im not a scientist but if you cut his arm off maybe the infection would just stay in his arm, and cant spread somewhere its not attatched too ri

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