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Alpha Betrayal

Chapter 3 The Threat

Word Count: 1064    |    Released on: 21/03/2024

elf. As she kept on moving backwards, the stranger kept on following

s a creepy town.

f that before you threw re

want from me?

come to do he

o do with me, I don't care anymore

na asked, coming towards her fr

ith terror, she panicked completely in re

fuck?" Ann

come to do he

come from?" J

rounding her. She couldn't talk or say a word. All of a s

ke up, Anna!

nd her was filled with people. She bursted out

want from m

r city" the pa

go?" An


? Why am I here, I have not

ur neighborho

tand what was going on. She just sat there on

e to us Anna."

here to live in peace, I don't want trouble neither do I

dare move"


you deserve

I done? A

that room until the next day. As early as 8:00am. A

blem" Venus said, one o

it?" Doye

ned to attack if the girl was not releas

I made you the guard of this pack an

y sir," Ve

y back and look after Anna, we

Anna was kept, they could see Andre wandering

take what is rightfull

ot supposed to be

Anna," And

, the girl in question doesn't

on't release her soonest this place woul


out soon enou

y they took long to come back, Anna was not comfortable with the way Raina stared at

to me what is goi

on't know."

I should be scared of trying to run away by now? For cryin

cary, her eyes turned red and her finger popped out long, she caressed

life, you don't belong here, I know your kind of people. You act like you don't know what is going on and the next thing you ar

, or his son,

t so dumb. R

and Andrea was still on. Andrea was never r

days, ask her few questions and

times have I heard

ses at once Andre

? Thomas

he started attacking the vampires. There was chaos amongst the people, most of Andrea'

h me" Rai

aina dragged Anna by her arm pushing her forward

oyen said. Where is

is sir.

to the floor wh

stand up from where she was thrown "One more silly move from you and I pr

do that?"

need her, one more move from you and you will dri

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