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Spiral into Darkness

Chapter 5 Five

Word Count: 1645    |    Released on: 20/03/2024

ight away," she said,

he told me she thought her husband was having an affair. He's a wealthy man—far wealthier than I realized—and Grace believed he was involved with a

women have been killed for that r

icidal impulses when going through a divorce. Anyway…after Gra

u didn'

having a

slow him down in the least. Quit

I didn't confront Bill. I engaged the resources of the Bureau t

w far more than my sister knew, and I know a lot more than his mistress knows now. For example, when I was g

the connection to himself. Unlike most local physician

yer practices

ee. G

stadium up there. Naturally, most of the lawyers he deals with spec


w is his s

ce?" sa

oes some estate planning.

d this lawyer about d

ssion that she wanted to stand and pace, but there wa

she was trying to

s no evidence of any relationship whatever between Bill and this divorce attorney pri

d that he had patients waiting. "This story is very intriguing,

u w

or we'll have to postpone th

ound the connection between Bill and this divorce lawyer," she continued, "I broadened

epard. I started my FBI career in South Florida, a

to say yes to the various friends who had offered to

business you can think of," Morse went on. "Mostly part

that a rich lawyer—I'm assuming he's rich—w

ouldn't see any reason that the lawyer was put into them. They're brother-in-law deals, you might say. Only the lawyer i

stole another gla

u. But what does a

at him, so intently that her

s divorce lawyer is in business wi

hey all pati

se who died unexpectedly in the past five year

of excitement and dread. He said nothing though, but rath

y actually all died within two

hat un

althy, and all were married to wealthy people. I can show y

're saying…you think this divorce lawyer is helping potential clients

d nodded. "Or to gain sole custody of their

y are you say

use," she said deliberately, "one week ago, your wife drove

moved slowly through his body, as though he'

s eyes had b

id you?" He was too

ng problems in your

any of your business. But look…if my wife went to see this lawyer, she must have

ed back in

Thora could be

at the use of his

t to tell me

t if

d flexed his shoulders.

t, I want to know where you get off coming

alize we're talking about personal matters. Intimate matters, even. But you're forced to do th

of the questions on his medic

ners have you had in

looked away from her and tried to pace the ro

me, Agent Morse? No mo

e may be

ife? Is that what you're

ng to call Thora right now and get to the botto

feet. "Please don't d


sition to stop whoever is behind these murd

"If you are a target—that is, if you've become one in the last week—your


unique position to

s dawned

ap my wife? To get her ja

ned up he

nd none of this happene

r a moment, trying to

for the trees here. Your


hey did it to keep from splitting their ass

he victims were women." Chris mome

and probably two, the murder was abou

a and I have no children." "Your wi

en before she married Red Simmons. T

But that brings up another


wife got h

down and looked

d she know a

a renowned Vanderbilt surgeon who'd left his

t Thora's mother

gh adolescence, and that making it through nursing scho


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