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Under His Deadly Fangs

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1107    |    Released on: 25/03/2024

, back on

me, took

nce, now I'm b

and his wil

es, it happ

your passi

grip on the dr

ht just to k

e tiger, it's the

the challenge

survivor stalks h

g us all with th

ace, out

ough, sta

odds 'til we ta

with the sk

e tiger, it's the

the challenge

survivor stalks h

g us all with th


uts, got

ance, now I'm

and his wil

e tiger, it's the

the challenge

survivor stalks h

g us all with th

e of t

e of t

e of t

e of t

se the surroundings seemed to slow do

yelled and Ma

ll chasing us. Rovery was behind us, tired from ru

elevator. Luckily it was op

elevator door had not yet closed when the three ch

re you chasing me like this!?" Asher

lena Gomez rushed to me. It's a shame to hur

tealer!" She shouted a

y type! You're evil!" I also yelled at

wall. I was about to punch her when she got ahe

o I didn't recover immediately. My vision

" Chris Evans shouted

kicking Dora's head hard. Matteo w

kick Dora's face until it stopped moving. It's blood

ew her out of the elevator.

ch up with us. There are so man

Gomez out. Luckily they fell s

e button. I was still nervous when Selena reached my foot

screamed and

how to!" I scr

I just pulled my hai

ns when Asher suddenly hugged me. He ev

look back." Asher said softly

orry for Selena, I have no intention of

ged each other. He covered my ears so I

t out when Asher suddenly picked me up

e, okay?" He sa

d Rovery are behind us. Matteo is sti

! Hel

at's the

We shouted at

e down and he agreed. We ran until

to a bamboo pole and being roasted like a pig.

Rovery shouted so t

hen she turned to us.

me?" I asked

o faces us earlier looks exactly like me. It's

e is the way she grinned at me, which obvio


ted my beautiful face!"

a knife. I also heard my compani

alike? Faith?" As

r. Maybe it's just a co

g you?" A girl who looks l

ction with them? It's all part of the mi

rmed in your mind. Now, we will give you the desire you want. Great, isn't it? You run aw

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