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The Wolf who hated alphas

Chapter 5 The Lost Wolf

Word Count: 1286    |    Released on: 27/03/2024

to the board. On the first day, b

l Cordélia Dawood’s office, and the 70-yea

m and the blond boy and they didn’t seem to care at all, as i

and the fringe of her short hair

u gentlemen think my office is a to

ooked down

ng a friend, pushing Lord Ramesses to the gr

not know how it had happened. Only tha

Miss Abrams and Mr Ramesses

t..." - R

ree weeks. Now, you may leave my

d be the only one to stay. She felt herself ag

came from you but

cts your friends, Sera. Unfortunately, I

d wrote:" Than

n that the young woman could not define,

will be the day each new stu

eard this. But she said nothing. I d

on her shoulder and smiled. " You are safe h

for her. The day had passed

because a little girl knocked him down. But what she didn’t know is tha

to, but Karim simply turned to get out of ther


he redhead when they entered

e room with. Kyria’s old roommate had move

urself a

room was ordinary, with large windows and mustard-colored curtains, t

as she could rest. And she lay down, w


ndy. He dragged he

?" - the 6-ye

u’re too much of a whiny child? Wanting your mother to always protect you? Weak child. Look

he bearded man was tall and str

t where the eagerness of the pack lived. A lady wi

ed befo

eful to the alph

o remove that

, surprised. Without be

But maybe I didn’

s wolf, if not her

rcle with drawing of all phases, the moon and the statue of the Moth

tch. She screamed and screamed, her veins burned and her body and bones hurt. Her body folded U

e... Mom..." - she scream

e came to

suffocating to remember that. The pain had returned to her b

ou slept all night.

th and hurried to put on her uniform,

ht of the shame that would pass

ng, Sera thought of several plans. Howeve

rking her hands throughout t

was a woman at the site, teacher Sue

lly perform at age 6, so none of this should be difficul

he would be expelled b

Only Sera and three others. A blon

ke off her shoes and feel the freshness of t

t was a heap of studen

veterans always watc

her more nervous, squeezing her fingers with her nails until she

ach one transformed perfectly and Sera imagin

d forward. She closed her e

as still there. And something surprising happened. She appeare

t. She walked slowly to the young woman, but when Sera

, as it had done as a child. She wanted to

orm. She just screamed inwardly without making any sound. The pain of that

e felt was strong

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