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Luna Warrior's Revenge

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

Word Count: 1397    |    Released on: 27/03/2024

the window and allowed the cold Siberian air to filter inside my room. Within seconds, all the warm air was chilled to the point of freezing. The

e alive. I however am no longer that innocent young girl. Now I am a killer. I destroy given targets and no longer see the world through innocence. She was sold out, sold by the devil himself. This existence I live, this loss I feel, can be directly pinpoint to one person. A person, who I thought loved me, loved me beyond limits. How foolish was I? I believed him when he said it would make me better, stronger, and perfect


em right. Tomorrow is mating announcement for prince, I need to be there with him so they will see who his mate is." My t

ate for our prince. It´s only for two years, you will see, it will go fast and in no time you will be back home. Then the prince will announce you, don´t wo

to be near him. Please don't make me leave. What did I do wrong?" I tried one last time for him to change his mind with tears rollin

n he released me and kissed me on my forehead before he said, "Go now and pack your belongings. In the morning you need to wake up earlier, you will leave before daybreak." I didn´t have strength to say anything, I just nodded and turned away. Before my h

too, daddy." I

d of Fl

was shaking all over. This is not due to the cold it is from the soulful cries of my heart due to the betrayal and harm from love. He was my father for God sake; he should have protected me from anything and everything including himself. But what he did was to sell me the first opportunity he encountered where my fate most likely resulted in death. To a place that I would never come back and never return, those were his wishes and plans when

my dark thoughts as Master kept trying to come forward

d down my cheek as I cried in agony. It has been a very long time since I released any emotion. I kneeled in the frost that had formed in the room. I don't know how long I knelled there but my j

mises that justice will prevail and that in time they would pay for their crimes. He held me in my mind as a father holds a wounded child. He did not abandon me in time of need he made me believe and want to live. As time passes he was able to get me back to myself and I thanked him for never leaving my side even when I failed him again. I had to remember that they weren´t worth it, nobody was worth

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1 Chapter 1 Chapter 12 Chapter 2 Chapter 23 Chapter 3 Chapter 34 Chapter 4 Chapter 45 Chapter 5 Chapter 56 Chapter 6 Chapter 67 Chapter 7 Chapter 78 Chapter 8 Chapter 89 Chapter 9 Chapter 910 Chapter 10 Chapter 1011 Chapter 11 Chapter 1112 Chapter 12 Chapter 1213 Chapter 13 Chapter 1314 Chapter 14 Chapter 1415 Chapter 15 Chapter 1516 Chapter 16 Chapter 1617 Chapter 17 Chapter 1718 Chapter 18 Chapter 1819 Chapter 19 Chapter 1920 Chapter 20 Chapter 2021 Chapter 21 Chapter 21-2322 Chapter 22 Chapter 2423 Chapter 23 Chapter 2524 Chapter 24 Chapter 2625 Chapter 25 Chapter 2726 Chapter 26 Chapter 2827 Chapter 27 Chapter 2928 Chapter 28 Chapter 3029 Chapter 29 Chapter 3130 Chapter 30 Chapter 3231 Chapter 31 Chapter 3332 Chapter 32 Chapter 3433 Chapter 33 Chapter 3534 Chapter 34 Chapter 3635 Chapter 35 Chapter 3736 Chapter 36 Chapter 3837 Chapter 37 Chapter 3938 Chapter 38 Chapter 4039 Chapter 39 Chapter 4140 Chapter 40 Chapter 4241 Chapter 41 Chapter 4342 Chapter 42 Chapter 4443 Chapter 43 Chapter 4544 Chapter 44 Chapter 4645 Chapter 45 Chapter 4746 Chapter 46 Chapter 4847 Chapter 47 Chapter 4948 Chapter 48 Chapter 5049 Chapter 49 Chapter 5150 Chapter 50 Chapter 5251 Chapter 51 Chapter 5352 Chapter 52 Chapter 5453 Chapter 53 Chapter 5554 Chapter 54 Chapter 5655 Chapter 55 Chapter 5756 Chapter 56 Chapter 5857 Chapter 57 Chapter 5958 Chapter 58 Chapter 6059 Chapter 59 Chapter 6160 Chapter 60 Chapter 6261 Chapter 61 Chapter 6362 Chapter 62 Chapter 6463 Chapter 63 Chapter 6564 Chapter 64 Chapter 6665 Chapter 65 Chapter 6766 Chapter 66 Chapter 6867 Chapter 67 Chapter 6968 Chapter 68 Chapter 7069 Chapter 69 Chapter 7170 Chapter 70 Chapter 7271 Chapter 71 Chapter 7372 Chapter 72 Chapter 7473 Chapter 73 Chapter 7574 Chapter 74 Chapter 7675 Chapter 75 Chapter 7776 Chapter 76 Chapter 7877 Chapter 77 Chapter 7978 Chapter 78 Chapter 8079 Chapter 79 Chapter 8180 Chapter 80 Chapter 8281 Chapter 81 Chapter 8382 Chapter 82 Chapter 8483 Chapter 83 Chapter 8584 Chapter 84 Chapter 8685 Chapter 85 Chapter 8786 Chapter 86 Chapter 8887 Chapter 87 Chapter 8988 Chapter 88 Chapter 9089 Chapter 89 Chapter 9190 Chapter 90 Chapter 9291 Chapter 91 Chapter 9392 Chapter 92 Chapter 9493 Chapter 93 Chapter 9594 Chapter 94 Chapter 9695 Chapter 95 Chapter 9796 Chapter 96 Chapter 9897 Chapter 97 Chapter 9998 Chapter 98 Chapter 10099 Chapter 99 Chapter 101100 Chapter 100 Chapter 102