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Mrs Alpha

Chapter 5 Chapter 4

Word Count: 2150    |    Released on: 27/03/2024

Grand Luna." Dad insists,

dash into the hallway, her voice growing faint as she announces our arrival. By now, I'm terrified. Agreeing to this was a monumental mista

unge; more of a manly touch, what with all the technology and dark decor. My stomach

an grins, tapping the armrest

oom." I gulp, jumping

plies. "We've only just gotten here. I asked y

Always finding way

t's the best impression to give, don't you t

athroom is upstairs. First floor, s

could shift and get the heck out of here but the consequences woul

an ankle in these heels. Everything's a blur and I vaguely remember Da

zzles my vision and I pace furiously, wi

anyone else. You can feel the anticipation, the poten

ing my eyes. "I can't let anybody have this effect

Trust our instincts. Whe

lf in a shaky voice. "I don't trust these...

e. He's in this very house a

st know we're h

How can someone have such an effect on me? I'm Aly Evans, the confident daughter of

elf up in the ornate mirror, smoothing the soft fabric of my dress

ride to the door and pull it open, stumbling to a ha

golden irises shimmering eerily. I'm so fixated on his fierce gaze, I don't even check him out

ter in a croaky voice, c

ed to the light. His powerful heartbeat calls out to me, enticing me to react with every thud. I want to look away, save myself from this stare-down bu

ling a set of pearly white, perfect teeth. I seem to choke on air at this point, blood pounding in my ears. There's a warm, fuzzy feeling spreading through me and time begins to lag. His

a moment to realise we b

d's stern voice

n, trailing a finger gently down the mid

" With a final whisper, he disappears in flas

urning on his heel, Dad stomps to the stairs. I hear a deep chuckle tickle my ear as I

you? Good. I love a challenge..." His husky bari

trouble and ther

introduction. He seems to forget that I saw him only a few short minutes ago, when

si." I reply sweetly, sti

other Dante. If anything, a playful smirk grows on his chiseled features. Howeve

e adds, standing near the couch

my back to everyone. Feeling wholly unsettled, I don't want Dad's probing eyes to sniff out why I

es, it's easier to act cool when I don't have to make eye c

, Aly! What a f

ies seem to billow through my stomach and unconsciously, I gasp

The rest of him is just as captivating as those distinct irises and I feel like I

cks are the perfect length; short yet smooth. There's something about his features, an aristocratic air

elming. He's busy talking to Nora, who's re-entered the lounge with an actual tea trolley full of snacks. The minute we make eye contact, he pau

ly offended if you don't." Dante break

o need to be shy." Nora chi

Backed into a corner, I perch awkwardly on the nearest armchair, opposite Dante. Nora hands me a delicate cu

d love to...it takes a lot of

ughter's behaviour." Dad announces, much to my cha

ta Evans. No need to apologise." Hi

re not the cause of my lack of conversation

Dad's going to be pis

I'm not the only one shocked by his reaction,

his piercing stare raking over me and I try my best not to squirm. His little

fully obvious that the both of you are mates." I wince at his directness.

"I wholeheartedly accept Aly." Dante replies smoothly, looking at me while he answers. "I want to get to know her and show that I'm

! Of course w

f he can hear my wolf

Dad narrows his eyes, as if to say; 'your reputation an

s?" Dante adds softly, with an entici

in a tiny voice, shruggin

I could have given away some of my true enthusiasm but I couldn't

ng her hands. "With the formalities out of the way, I

llow her son to some secluded place and let him work his magic. Fat chance of that. "How about you give us a tour

but I pretend to be oblivious. Eventually, he follows Dante's mother out of the lounge. The minute the doors close, Dante appears in front of me. I look up in shock, his towering f

ruffling his tousled hair. "Finding your mate is supposed

I do, dance in jo

s, laughing lightly. "I thought yo

mate." I grudgingly tell him the t

He asks instantly, a ha

whelmed by Dante's proximity. If anything, he deser

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1 Chapter 1 Chapter 1. Heartbreak and Reality2 Chapter 2 Chapter 2-13 Chapter 3 Chapter 2-24 Chapter 4 Chapter 35 Chapter 5 Chapter 46 Chapter 6 Chapter 57 Chapter 7 Chapter 6-18 Chapter 8 Chapter 6-29 Chapter 9 Chapter 7. Friendly Felines10 Chapter 10 Chapter 8. Think Before You Speak11 Chapter 11 Chapter 9. A Failed Getaway12 Chapter 12 Chapter 10. Two Weeks13 Chapter 13 Chapter 11. Never Follow A Wolf14 Chapter 14 Chapter 12. Live A Little15 Chapter 15 Chapter 12. Live A Little-216 Chapter 16 Chapter 13. Disappearing Act17 Chapter 17 Chapter 13. Disappearing Act-218 Chapter 18 Chapter 13. Disappearing Act-319 Chapter 19 Chapter 14. Family Reunion-120 Chapter 20 Chapter 14. Family Reunion-221 Chapter 21 Chapter 15. Girl Talk-122 Chapter 22 Chapter 15. Girl Talk-223 Chapter 23 Chapter 16. Meeting the Lycan-124 Chapter 24 Chapter 16. Meeting the Lycan-225 Chapter 25 Chapter 17. Uninvited Guests-126 Chapter 26 Chapter 17. Uninvited Guests-227 Chapter 27 Chapter 18. Making Friends28 Chapter 28 Chapter 18. Making Friends-229 Chapter 29 Chapter 19. A Harsh Change Of Scenery-130 Chapter 30 Chapter 19. A Harsh Change Of Scenery-231 Chapter 31 Chapter 20. Calm Amongst Chaos32 Chapter 32 Chapter 20. Calm Amongst Chaos-233 Chapter 33 Chapter 21. Hindsight Is Valuable34 Chapter 34 Chapter 21. Hindsight Is Valuable-235 Chapter 35 Chapter 22. It All Adds Up36 Chapter 36 Chapter 22. It All Adds Up-237 Chapter 37 Chapter 22. It All Adds Up-338 Chapter 38 Chapter 23. Back to Square One39 Chapter 39 Chapter 23. Back to Square One-240 Chapter 40 Chapter 23. Back to Square One-341 Chapter 41 Chapter 24. Don't Look Back42 Chapter 42 Chapter 25. Kurt43 Chapter 43 Chapter 26. A Luna Greeting-144 Chapter 44 Chapter 26. A Luna Greeting-245 Chapter 45 Chapter 27. Tough Times46 Chapter 46 Chapter 27. Tough Times -247 Chapter 47 Chapter 28. Not Just Any Old Knight-148 Chapter 48 Chapter 28. Not Just Any Old Knight-249 Chapter 49 Chapter 28. Not Just Any Old Knight-350 Chapter 50 Chapter 29. Rekindling The Romance-151 Chapter 51 Chapter 29. Rekindling The Romance-252 Chapter 52 Chapter 30. Claire's Turmoil-153 Chapter 53 Chapter 30. Claire's Turmoil-254 Chapter 54 Chapter 30-355 Chapter 55 Chapter 31. No More Mr. Nice Guy56 Chapter 56 Chapter 31-257 Chapter 57 Chapter 32. Purely Professional58 Chapter 58 Chapter 32-259 Chapter 59 Chapter 33. Stand My Ground60 Chapter 60 Chapter 33-261 Chapter 61 Chapter 34. Lay Down The Law62 Chapter 62 Chapter 34-263 Chapter 63 Chapter 35. Negotiating Terms64 Chapter 64 Chapter 35-265 Chapter 65 Chapter 36. His Dark Side66 Chapter 66 Chapter 36-267 Chapter 67 Chapter 37. Grow A Pair68 Chapter 68 Chapter 37-269 Chapter 69 Chapter 38. The Saviour70 Chapter 70 Chapter 38-271 Chapter 71 Chapter 39. The Snake Pit72 Chapter 72 Chapter 39-273 Chapter 73 Chapter 40. Honesty Is The Best Policy74 Chapter 74 Chapter 40-275 Chapter 75 Chapter 41. Confessions of an Alpha-holic76 Chapter 76 Chapter 41-277 Chapter 77 Chapter 42. Phase Three78 Chapter 78 Chapter 42-279 Chapter 79 Chapter 42-380 Chapter 80 Chapter 43. Twenty First Dates81 Chapter 81 Chapter 43-282 Chapter 82 Chapter 44. Farewell For Now83 Chapter 83 Chapter 44-284 Chapter 84 Chapter 45. An Isle-Mist Welcome85 Chapter 85 Chapter 45-286 Chapter 86 Chapter 46. Getting Warmer87 Chapter 87 Chapter 46-288 Chapter 88 Chapter 46-389 Chapter 89 Chapter 47. Self-Destruct90 Chapter 90 Chapter 47-291 Chapter 91 Chapter 48. Watch Your Back92 Chapter 92 Chapter 48-293 Chapter 93 Chapter 48-394 Chapter 94 Chapter 48-495 Chapter 95 Chapter 48-596 Chapter 96 Chapter 49. A Hostile Takeover97 Chapter 97 Chapter 49-198 Chapter 98 Chapter 50. Decisions, Decisions99 Chapter 99 Chapter 50-2100 Chapter 100 Chapter 50-3