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The Battle of the Heiresses

Chapter 61 Chapter 061 your father or your father.

Word Count: 1418    |    Released on: 27/03/2024

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1 Chapter 1 Chapter 001 she is a fake daughter.2 Chapter 2 Chapter 002 they are a good match 3 Chapter 3 Chapter 003 is this your upbringing 4 Chapter 4 Chapter 004 framing, is that me 5 Chapter 5 Chapter 005 shh, you're drunk.6 Chapter 6 Chapter 006 gender female, hobbies are also female 7 Chapter 7 Chapter 007 grinding leprechaun.8 Chapter 8 Chapter 008 Rose John, showing her edge.9 Chapter 9 Chapter 009 now, kneel down and apologize.10 Chapter 10 Chapter 010 what if I say no 11 Chapter 11 Chapter 011 big and small sisters are beginning to show their edge.12 Chapter 12 Chapter 012 Mr. Steven courted you 13 Chapter 13 Chapter 013 this woman is absolutely intentional.14 Chapter 14 Chapter 014 then you withdraw your capital and leave.15 Chapter 15 Chapter 015 this is the answer she wants.16 Chapter 16 Chapter 016 is very simple, you beg me.17 Chapter 17 Chapter 017 in her eyes, playing is a child's play.18 Chapter 18 Chapter 018 who do you think is a dog 19 Chapter 19 Chapter 019 are they still fawning on that impostor 20 Chapter 20 Chapter 020 if you do too much injustice, you will kill yourself.21 Chapter 21 Chapter 021 she wrote down the revenge.22 Chapter 22 Chapter 022 are you the ones who should apologize 23 Chapter 23 Chapter 023 what if I don't delete 24 Chapter 24 Chapter 024 hit the face slag men and bitches!25 Chapter 25 Chapter 025 are you sure there is no relationship 26 Chapter 26 Chapter 026 how did you forget her 27 Chapter 27 Chapter 027 if you want to play big, this is just an appetizer.28 Chapter 28 Chapter 028 heavy makeup, still say good-looking 29 Chapter 29 Chapter 029 I just like your temper.30 Chapter 30 Chapter 030 isn't it said that she is a bad student 31 Chapter 31 Chapter 031 how could this waste be French 32 Chapter 32 Chapter 032 strongly urges the photographer to cut the lens.33 Chapter 33 Chapter 033 see how many episodes she can hold on to.34 Chapter 34 Chapter 034 don't talk to me, I'm a neat freak.35 Chapter 35 Chapter 035 everything is wrong.36 Chapter 36 Chapter 036 I am your father 37 Chapter 37 Chapter 037 society I Rose, people do not talk much.38 Chapter 38 Chapter 038 the movie queen does not follow the routine.39 Chapter 39 Chapter 039 this pot, father does not carry.40 Chapter 40 Chapter 040 Oh, she must like me.41 Chapter 41 Chapter 041 what do you compare with me 42 Chapter 42 Chapter 042 shameless things 43 Chapter 43 Chapter 043 don't shout all day, I have a bad heart.44 Chapter 44 Chapter 044 those are all fakes.45 Chapter 45 Chapter 045 you are the one who should go out.46 Chapter 46 Chapter 046 wait for his big fish to bite.47 Chapter 47 Chapter 047 Molly John haunts us.48 Chapter 48 Chapter 048 did she bully people 49 Chapter 49 Chapter 049 is a man who sells his friends for glory.50 Chapter 50 Chapter 050 the little girl has some material.51 Chapter 51 Chapter 051 the person I like, you move 52 Chapter 52 Chapter 052 this man is not. Her53 Chapter 53 Chapter 053 I'm leaving now.54 Chapter 54 Chapter 054 miscellaneous people are not allowed to enter.55 Chapter 55 Chapter 055 your company is in the way of my fortune.56 Chapter 56 Chapter 056 you deserve to bang her 57 Chapter 57 Chapter 057 so it's you 58 Chapter 58 Chapter 058 to see whether she died first or you died first 59 Chapter 59 Chapter 059 this woman must be removed.60 Chapter 60 Chapter 060 is it time for us to do it 61 Chapter 61 Chapter 061 your father or your father.62 Chapter 62 Chapter 062 Molly John is a chicken on the ground.63 Chapter 63 Chapter 063 a play.64 Chapter 64 Chapter 064 daughter-in-law, I am Initial.65 Chapter 65 Chapter 065 you are a threat.66 Chapter 66 Chapter 066 I don't need anyone's protection.67 Chapter 67 Chapter 067 the same girl, why is the gap so big 68 Chapter 68 Chapter 068 what is the excitement of Guanwei 69 Chapter 69 Chapter 069 kill you, dirty my hands.70 Chapter 70 Chapter 070 I raise you.71 Chapter 71 Chapter 071 is indeed a woman.72 Chapter 72 Chapter 072 I asked my father to fire you.73 Chapter 73 Chapter 073 what if I tell you to get out 74 Chapter 74 Chapter 074 is this my nephew's wife next to me 75 Chapter 75 Chapter 075 wild lilies also have spring.76 Chapter 76 Chapter 076 God blocks and kills God, Buddha blocks and kills Buddha.77 Chapter 77 Chapter 077 things are too valuable for me.78 Chapter 78 Chapter 078 are you a junk collector 79 Chapter 79 Chapter 079 you'd better choose a new daughter-in-law.80 Chapter 80 Chapter 080 girlfriend Ex-girlfriend81 Chapter 81 Chapter 081 want to die, don't you 82 Chapter 82 Chapter 082 I miss you, do you believe it 83 Chapter 83 Chapter 083 is this a compliment or a insult to her 84 Chapter 84 Chapter 084 Quick, call an ambulance.85 Chapter 85 Chapter 085 are you concerned about me 86 Chapter 86 Chapter 086 let her never turn over.87 Chapter 87 Chapter 087 this is too much.88 Chapter 88 Chapter 088 let's be sisters.89 Chapter 89 Chapter 089 is this guy crazy 90 Chapter 90 Chapter 090 why did you choose her 91 Chapter 91 Chapter 091 Oh, I don't deserve it.92 Chapter 92 Chapter 092 I think you are crazy.93 Chapter 93 Chapter 093 worry about the good cabbage being arched by the pig.94 Chapter 94 Chapter 094 I don't mind disciplining for you.95 Chapter 95 Chapter 095 after all, we are good sisters.96 Chapter 96 Chapter 096 is this dog man tired of living 97 Chapter 97 Chapter 097 remember to be a good person in the next life.98 Chapter 98 Chapter 098 Crown Prince up, Princess Down 99 Chapter 99 Chapter 099 who are you scolding 100 Chapter 100 Chapter 100 my sister deserves to be my sister.