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Word Count: 1033    |    Released on: 28/03/2024



my hair. I turned subconsciously to look at her and noticed her eyes were po

miss them" Scarlett said smiling wide and actually ju

bably the last thing on their minds at the moment. Everyone rushed out after S

nd stood there frozen and confused. The students were s

s as to what was happening. I dragged my feet to where everyone was ga

louder and everyone except

rrors, Trip

felt like I had to block my eye

what exactly was going on for I was so confused. I mean for Scarlett and Lisa to have m

e they owned the whole place. Their heads held tall, both their arms in their pocket

nd moved further into the crowd towards the front till

ith a to die for the face. My jaw dropped and I fought the

guys still actuall

ad similar features which made

glasses gently resting on his nose bridge. He has short chocolate brown hair, grey orbs, a smooth jawline, a

as moving slowly but perfectly and had a kinda bored expression on his face. Unlike the other two, he loo

t. Unlike the first guy who had on a bored expression, this guy had an evil grin. He has short black hair

last guy. Unlike the other two who carried the air of businessmen, this g

n suits but instead of grey orbs like the other two, he had blue instead, and that insanely made him look attractive, especia

ritten all over them, black T-shirt, and black Jacket. I tried moving

cess I immediately backed off and moved towards another direction but noticed people we

ure but decided to ignore it and tried moving

ittle scream attracting laughter from my fellow students, and dropped to the floor. I

pkin again". A girl pointe

p so low as this just for atte

now," Another said and I grew confused wonde

out of the three guys giving me a surprised look, w

e and my heart pounding as I started exp

ng in my tummy, their glance at me made me experience goosebumps cov

ile the crowd kept on laughing

otten myself in

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