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The Billionaire Unexpected Evening

Chapter 8 An Invitation

Word Count: 979    |    Released on: 03/04/2024


ther obvious ruses. But when he eventually speaks, his voice remains steady. "I returned because I find myself rather captivated by you, Calla." He pauses, as if considering each word before releasing it into the charged air between us. "I know we orbit different worlds, but there's something about you that compels me to discover more." My lips parted in astonishment. Could this polished man, who looks more at ease in a boardroom than in my humble café, truly be interested in me? "I don't make a habit of lingering in coffee shops or prying into the lives of bartenders." His lips quivered in wry amusement. "Yet here I am." "Make of that what you will." "And if I do make something of it?" The words escape before I can control them. Our gazes meet, and the environment disintegrates. The beginnings of a grin pull on his lips. "Well, perhaps—" The sharp chime of a phone interrupts the moment. Griffin grabs the offending device with a muttered curse, his jaw tightening as he examines the screen. He rises without saying anything, transforming from an intrigued admirer to an aloof executive in an instant. "Excuse me, I'm afraid I have to take this." I nod mutely, disgusted by the bitter taste on my tongue, as he walks out of the building. The glass door swings shut behind him, severing our tenuous connection. With a shuddering breath, I slump against the counter. What has just happened? For a fleeting instant, it felt like forces were pulling us together—two lonely hearts seeking momentary solace in each other's presence. But while my universe may begin and end within these four walls, Griffin inhabits a different stratosphere of power and privilege that I can't fathom. I start cleaning up with a detached resignation. A forgotten business card resting on his vacant chair catches my eye. I pick it up, taking in the printed name and number, c

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