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Choke Me Please

Choke Me Please

Author: axxelehara

Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 642    |    Released on: 29/03/2024

frustrations in my life, why

ng that can happen on my life, but there is so

rk while you study," I imit

't earn anything from it. It's funny, they are supposed to enc

They favor my younger brother more, because he is a

needs were in her. I also want to adjust fo

said they were classmates and they all had phones and he didn't h

the worst thing is that I was jealous and I didn't even give

st work for myself, freaking selfish

again and again, if only I could go shoppin

be alright." I put the phone down on the

ng a comfortable spot for me while writi

w on my dreams lately. His handsome face, he is huff

let my wild finger

eyes, this sensation is ma

and cover my mouth

ok in the mirror, someone is standing there. His eyes are looking at me now,

ht. I hit the floor and blinked hard. Tang

and leaned back, put on my

ging and I grabbed a pillow, buried my face

the door and now Mama's face was angry, she look

e and wash your brother's uniform, it's a week tomorrow." Mama turne

t outside. You have money, don't you

you ran out." He left and

om and close my eyes, hug my k

amily, hear

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