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Chapter 3 Alex Sleeps With Vella

Word Count: 2206    |    Released on: 12/04/2024

hat final moment, he knew that he had loved Megan with all that he was, had given her his heart without reservation or regret. An

, his thoughts consumed by visions of Megan and the life they might have shared together. And as the world faded into oblivion,

m glow across the room. For a moment, she lay still, savoring the peace and tranquility of the

f adrenaline, the thrill of passion, and the overwhelming sense of longing that had consumed her in his arms. And then s

her and Alexander was wrong, that she had betrayed Max's trust in the worst possible way. But despite her best intentions, she couldn't shake the feel

the truth about what had happened, that she couldn't continue to keep secrets from him if their relationship was to have any hope of survivin

knew that she couldn't continue to live a lie, that she owed it to him to be honest about her fee

an unexpected revelation. There, on the bathroom counter, lay a small plas

she had just discovered. She was pregnant – pregnant with Alexander's child, the resul

n its suffocating embrace. She didn't know what to do, didn't know how to face the prospect of raising a child

ind whispered a glimmer of hope – hope that perhaps this unexpected turn of events was a blessin

e knew that it wouldn't be easy, that there would be obstacles and setbacks along the way. But she also knew that she w

er life for herself and her unborn child. And as she looked towards the horizon with renewed hope and optimism, she knew that no matter wha

romise of new life. And with each passing day, she felt a sense of wonder and awe at the miracle growing inside her, a remi

om within. She knew that she had hurt Max deeply with her actions, that she had betrayed his trust in the worst possible way. And

to offer their support and encouragement every step of the way. And as she looked towards the future with hope and optimism, she knew that no matter what cha

nything she had ever experienced before. She knew that her life was about to change in ways she could never have imagined,

her like a warm embrace. She knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, she would face them with courage and determinati

her excitement building with each passing moment. And then, finally, the moment she had been wa

e had ever experienced before. In that moment, she knew that all the pain and heartache she had endured

knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she would face them with courage and determination, sec

would face them head-on, secure in the knowledge that she was capable of overcoming whatever challenges lay ahead. For she

x of anxiety and anticipation. She had come for a routine check-up, hoping to put her worries and fear

ltuous emotions. She couldn't believe what she had heard, couldn't comprehend how

ons. Who was the father of Vella's baby? How would Max react when he fo

. It was only when the nurse repeated it a second time that she snapped back to reality, her hear

d uncertainty. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong, that th

opening and closing behind her. It was only when she heard the soft

was being said. And then, she heard it – the hushed tones of Vella and the doctor,

pregnant," the doctor said, his voice gentle but firm. "It's still

ck and disbelief. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, couldn't comprehend how

her like a tidal wave. How could Vella keep something like this from her? How could sh

amination table and stormed out of the room, her heart pounding in her chest a

e. She didn't know where she was going or what she would do next, but one thing was clear – she couldn't stay in that doct

elt before. She didn't know where she was going or what she would do when she got there, but one thing was certa

unter. She knew that she had to tell him the truth about what had happened between her and Vella, that

that her world was unraveling around her, that the lies and deceit that had plagu

et. It was only when she pulled it out and saw Alexander's name flashing on the screen t

d, her voice barel

e filled with concern. "I've been trying to rea

e knew that she had to tell Alexander the truth about what had happened between her an

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