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The Alpha King Unwanted Mate

Chapter 5 The Awakening

Word Count: 1837    |    Released on: 03/04/2024


awakening at the ripe age of 18. No one gives a crap about me, not even m

hile they kept talking about my sister

stare at myself again in the mirror, but right now, I'm nervous and at the same time happy about toda

wolf, accept Arthur's proposal to be his mate, and

ow not what f

sh me

a smile on my face. Of course, who wouldn't be nervous on a day like thi

acting me from my thoughts as I turne

I asked, turning my

waiting for you outside.” one

'' I told her, and I heard the ste



l be fine,” I assured myself, f

ssed, but I looked beautiful with my dark-brown hair packed in a ponytail. Even without make-up,

ur, but my eyes caught Maya's from a distance. She was seated beside my Mom and Dad. I will admit that she looked beautiful and well-dressed, she was wearing a beautiful new dress while I w

ed to walk towards them, when sud

turned around immediately when

his perfect figure. He was looking perfect, with his s

the silence between us. He stretched his hand forwa

im a light smile. “An

walked towards where my family was seated. As we wal

, this is what you wore last year,” Maya whisp

reat me well and acknowledge me as their daughter the same way they treated Maya. Th

ha Wolfe?” I lean closer and whisper to her

tly. This is what she does whenever she is ang

comes miserable for you, and you shall be one of my slaves.” Sh

, the alpha is never going to like

reatened, and that is one fact about Maya: she always gets

the man standing at the front of the crowd in

membered all the promises we made together. Even if we

son we are here today.” He spoke in a loud voice as

As we all know, today, a new set of people are to usher in their wolves.”

nd different, although this was not my first time experiencing the awakening ceremony I was here last year during Ma

Black Moon pack won't be available for the awakening ceremony.” At the mention of this, I turned to face Maya, and I could see her face co

uet.” He announces again and they all cheer up in jubilation. A wid

d eighteen this year come out,” Arthur announced that was when I started feeling some s

like me, but they all had the support from their family. I turned my attention toward my parents, hoping they would

confidence, but inside me, I am nervous. I forced out a

acing the crowd. We were all about t

ounced, and then he gave me a light s

e lived to be 200 years old, but she was walking perfectly like a 20-year-old girl with no wrinkles or spots on her face, and acco

front and took a proper look at me and our eyes met, but I was quick to take my eyes away from her as I could f

eartbeat functioning normally. I am the only one nervous here but why this strange feelin

e cowries on our hands. When she got to my turn, she paused for a while

s the east where the moon rises from with ou

their bones snapping. Slowly, I opened my eyes and the girl standing before me has started growing fangs and claws sprouting out from her finge

eventing them from running away. This is the part I hate most. They could have left

nly one left. I didn't transform in

, my palms were becoming sweaty, an

m of Maya from the crowd as a loud murmur fill

o my eyes for a few seconds, then she declared

announced. At that instant, I knew t

re world and plans s

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