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Having It All

Chapter 4 The Legal Battle

Word Count: 1134    |    Released on: 03/04/2024

er office suite. As she stepped out, her eyes immediately lande

asked, a sense of unease

ace. "Ms. Wei, we've just been served with a lawsuit from Zhang Corporat

i would find a way to strike back after their ten

t rightfully belongs to them. The lawsuit demands

doing, a calculated move to undermine her business. She quick

" Liao asked, her mind racin

replied. "He said he needs to dis

ly a matter of time before Zhang made his move, and she needed to be

Li Chen's brow was furrowed with co

o take a seat. "Tell me

a blatant attempt by Zhang Corporation to cripple your business. The allegations are fli

und the armrest of her chair. "Zhang Wei

is is a personal vendetta, and he's willi

e countermeasures. Li Chen watched her, his ow

with determination. "I've worked too hard to build this

ment. "I'm here to help you fight this, Liao. We'll take this to cou

"I'm glad you're on my side, Li Chen.

eelings for Liao threatening to spill out. "I'll do w

eneath the surface. "I do, and I'm grateful. No

's mind was sharp, and Li Chen's expertise as a seasoned lawyer proved invaluabl

ation threw everything they had at Liao, but Li Chen remained a steadfast

ight of the proceedings bearing down on her. She caught Li Chen's e

reated to Liao's office, th

ou for everything you've done," Liao

her arm. "Liao, you don't have to thank me. I'm here because I

"I know, and that means the world to me. But I can't help but wonder, why are y

th is, I've grown to care for you deeply. More than just as a client, but as a per

he processed his words. "Li Chen

Liao. I know the timing isn't ideal, and our focus needs to be on winning this case.

n. She had always known Li Chen to be a loyal and dedicated friend, but this was some

ords failing her. "I don't know what

ct you to feel the same way, Liao. I know the focus needs to be on winnin

ant you to know that I value our friendship deeply. But with everything that's happening

want to pressure you. Just know that I'm here for you, in whatever capacit

Li Chen into a tight embrace. "Thank you, Li

e with a mix of emotions. "We're going to

renewed. "Then let's get back t

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