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After a face surgery, I revenge on my ex husband

Chapter 4 Four: I need an artist

Word Count: 1999    |    Released on: 03/04/2024

way coming," I said on the phone as I waited fo

eep voice came from behind and I turne

touch me, I am going deal with you," I retorted without moving a foot. Maybe the ma

flung my palm on his face and used my feet to hit h

nd as he closed his eyes, "You dare let a woman beat y

d I heard their master say, " You are fired." Inwardly, I let

longer. Do you know you are so beautiful! You are the most beautiful woman I have ev

ted beating unknowingly for no reason. Looking at the driver who was still

you drive me crazy already." The car started moving slowl

keeping a straight face at him. "I'm sorry here. But um...I hope you did

aid, I'll ride you for free." He repeated and I tapped on my laps sp

ow beautiful I was till I reached I reached my location. He st

and hissed, "Bold of you to ask for a rating. I would have given y

re you Ava Smith?" She asked staring at me. There was this thing a

to hide my identity. "Lilac," She responded. "She's the one,"

and you look so beautiful. I mean, I ain't even gonna lie.

down the street, I noticed people turn to look at me, "See, you are like an a

Lilac freed my hands and touched my cheeks, "No honey, I am not. Can't y

ed at the house beside us and took the lead while I followed her behind. "I'm so happy to

iled at her. "You don't talk? I'm so sorry I talk a lot i thi

cret heaven," she took a stuffed animal and sat down. "Lilac, can you l

n though I could sense that she was hurt. "I'm sorry I sa

I couldn't even get you something. I was so busy when I got back from work and my foodstuffs ran out so I was about to go shopping bu

aid, my eyes scann

imbed the stairs. Within a blink of an eye, she climbed down wit

Lilac." I teased and without waitin

n," my voice barely audible. I tapped on the screen and it opened the me

I didn't know she was still in the room. Turning to her, I said, "Yes I am not happy. I am not the real m

his idiot of a person." Without answering, I handed over my phone to Lilac, see t

" She said, wrapping her arms around me. "I need an artist. A

is picture. Draw me, murdered in cold blood, make everything look real, and if it's possible to make it in a video fo

Addams of a person? The pe

ost shocking thing Is that he is dating my sister and my sister revealed that to me the same night I was with your brother. I could hear her giggle with happine

ilac slammed. She hugged me for close to ten minutes while I poured out my eyes

ping out my business plans which I was going to have and start up. I was also going through m

ied or was murdered? Could there be a reason why he was killed by Addams? He didn

hy give it to your son-in-law? Are you gay?" I said

, snapping me out of my reverie. It's the way she gets to buy me stuff whenever she

asked, opening the bag to look. "Actually my friend's boyfriend is throwing a night party

rgy for any parties honey," I replied. "And besides, I d

orrow is ours to lose or gain. Listen up here, you have to shake your body and free your mind of every pain which was

murmured. I was already starting to

ould. Your body needs that and your soul d

. I'll see what I

you can do about it. It's gonna be rich g

plied and stood up from the bed. "I'll be leaving now. Let me go prepare myself and by t

n I scar

and this followed with a soft tap on my skin. "Ohh..." I murm

were going to get dressed. Is it in the dream you were talki

cancel the outing at that last moment. After

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1 Chapter 1 one: It's raining blood 2 Chapter 2 Two: A new place, uncovering 3 Chapter 3 Three: The transition 4 Chapter 4 Four: I need an artist 5 Chapter 5 Five: Why should you be dating for up to two years 6 Chapter 6 Six: Laura the poker 7 Chapter 7 Seven: Next time he texts or asks you on a date8 Chapter 8 Eight : You better do something before she does 9 Chapter 9 Nine: A gift for being beautiful 10 Chapter 10 Ten: 18+ suck the life11 Chapter 11 Eleven: Laura rides Harvis 12 Chapter 12 Twelve: Meeting the president's son13 Chapter 13 Thirteen: Meeting with the President 14 Chapter 14 Fourteen: Why does he keep taking it as a joke 15 Chapter 15 Fifteen: A picture with Addams 16 Chapter 16 Sixteen: Smells like roses 17 Chapter 17 Seventeen: Punishment 18 Chapter 18 Eighteen: You slapped me 19 Chapter 19 Nineteen: No one has to know 20 Chapter 20 Twenty: You have to be the one obeying 21 Chapter 21 Twenty one: I want you to kill Ava22 Chapter 22 Twenty two: Undress me and take charge 23 Chapter 23 Twenty three: Someone get her clutches 24 Chapter 24 Twenty four: We'll both die 25 Chapter 25 Twenty five: I'll treat you better 26 Chapter 26 Twenty six: Money can't buy love Mr President 27 Chapter 27 Twenty seven: You have three options 28 Chapter 28 Twenty eight: My monster can wait29 Chapter 29 Twenty nine: Trust the process 30 Chapter 30 Thirty: It takes time for the milk to spill31 Chapter 31 Thirty one: The visitor32 Chapter 32 Thirty two: Yes, I want you alone 33 Chapter 33 Thirty three: Slowly becoming the devil 34 Chapter 34 Thirty four: A little warning would do 35 Chapter 35 Thirty five: Sight seeing 36 Chapter 36 Thirty six: You may have to pay in future 37 Chapter 37 Thirty seven: There's love in sharing 38 Chapter 38 Thirty eight: Put it in 39 Chapter 39 Thirty nine: Evidence of good thrusts 40 Chapter 40 Fourty: I am tired!41 Chapter 41 Fourty one: None except me42 Chapter 42 Fourty two: In an hour