Where the Sun Swings North
e island of Kon Klayu. For the first time in his life he was doing some serious think
me in. . . . Why hadn't he, after the White Chief told him of his reputed connection with Naleenah, why hadn't he followed Jean and explained? True, the shock and surprise of the thing had momentarily swept him off his feet, but why had he, in foolish reckless resentment against unjust circumstances, rushed off inst
t by a plump, perfumed, pleasure-loving little blonde. This small person from an eastern state had made his former knowledge of the hectic night-life of San Francisco seem but a tuning up of the orchestra before the overture. . . . After the inevitable parting of the ways, he had found himself obliged to call upon his irate and disgusted father for fina
e woman had come to stand for the cleanness and the decencies of life. He found himself longing to be near and speak to these two visiting women of his own kind. He had heard of the "woman hunger" of
ed down to the Point beyond the Indian Village and listened-listened hungrily, with a longing to join her and explain his stupid i
in a man, and he had thought a good deal about his own of late. The episode of Na
w about his heart. Vistas then opened up before him. Romance and adventure beckoned him. . . . Later, when the stimulant reached the centers of his brain, like the sentient fingers of a musician touching the keyboard of his soul, it produced golden harmonies from those keys whose tones are love, rhythm, color, appreciation of the beautiful: Inhibitions melted away in the amber light that enfolded
f all unpleasantness, a divine sense of mingl
g him more colorless, more listless, more inclined to drift than before. It took more of Kayak's whisky to produce an effect now than it had in the beginning. Perhaps, in tim
ut insistent at the back of his consciousness strove to make itself remembered. Something he had heard in a half-drugged sleep. Something
. Her upcurving prow seemed to urge to sea adventures. He wished he might go with Boreland to spend the winter on the Island of Kon Klayu. But this, he knew, was not possible. He had work to do at Katleean and it was time he was beginning it. And Ellen Boreland-he was not unaware that she disapproved of him and did her best to keep her sister from friendship with him. . . . But-he might make the trip to the island and back to help Silvertip, whom Kilbuck had detailed to pilot the H