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Shadows of expectations

Shadows of expectations

Author: Mich sy

Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1269    |    Released on: 04/04/2024

e the hell ar

ving thi

stay? With your friends who do nothing

walking an

ugh ma, I don't want to be subservient to everything he wants. I have my own life, I ca

n he wants... that will be followed. So, please d

woman to marry, it would be

ur grandfather to finish this. Because


what your grandfather can do. You like it or not, you're


ly hard to be a

gonna do about i


don't know

Morreen and ask her to m

l Morreen get back with him? We know that Dae

you want to marry her, she might

mily, because that's what her parents wanted. They say we are at the right age so we can get married and start our own family. But

to marry you." The three of us lo

ead our minds. How did you know that Daemon i

eautiful girlfriend who is Daemon's co

e and Denice ar

you say? Girlfri


lvatore? Wow! Dude! Good luck in y

ne to march inside the church." I

has a good idea. Theo also

brainless?" He said while t


ook my he

e time now

t Mino's bar and I w

cause I have to go to th

y bed holding my cellphon

broke up. And she's been igno

call his co


t's me Daem


k to Morreen? I've been calling her and she didn't even answer

silent. It took a l

Canada r

hen did

weeks and if ever don't tell her

t..." he

I can't c

lphone at my fe


orite cafe havi

breakfast. Even though I don't have w

licious and it's one of the thi

h my coffee when a m

suddenly pulled an employee out

coffee. I left the cafe and walked

l hurts me."

rm that the man w

alking when I

though you have a child and th

m not perfect but disrespecting a

er. Only mom takes car

and approach

next to

ce it. You keep looking desperat

se not interfere." I held the woman in my

ed at the woman next to me w


I've never seen a pair

r boyfriend? You must be delus

uy having a beautiful girlfri

that your girlfriend

that matter because you are the kind of man that she will ne

* yo

h me, a guard came t

not don

t man is really shameless." Hi

the same

okay." He l

anks for y

re we

he shop first." His colleague s

my hand.

hand that I wa

areful next time. It looks like that man won't st

made m

id at the bar about hir

d at th


again. I'll be

Would you like


to be my wife. Oh! F*ck! What the h*ll I'm saying.

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