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The Battle Of The Alphas

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1505    |    Released on: 04/04/2024

f the Blood Moon Pack with a passion. A long term rivalry had occurred

king a chosen mate was an insult to the moon goddess and the plans she had made for each of her chi

though he had heard the title of the pack's Alpha had b

gined if they were anything like their

ismissing what he had been told. "Absolutely not, they aren'

m not certain we have a choice, my love." She advised whilst taking a seat next to him at t

e wooden chair opposite her father. "Wel

t, but I can only presume they're com

e questioned, furrowing h

ld." He sighed as his hysterics died down. "M

hance at taking her pack from her. But perhaps their visit was a good thing, once she had made

ces of those who were looking at her like she was crazy. "Once they go home defeated and unable to take the pack, word will

ason, it seemed as though Ocean didn't like the thought of harm coming to the triplets. But Brielle

. "She's got a point you know, as much as I ha

but did he really want those three idiots on his pack land? Absolutely not. But

and this is what I trained Brielle to do. Let's just get it over with so she can finally focus on

ng her eyes upon her mother. "Did they sa

smile as her eyebrows drew together, bef

haring the final piece of information she had bee

r chairs. "What?" They yelled in unison,

ur, this was exactly why she had withheld this f

ng to the door. "Link me when they're here, I'm gra

ing grounds, if she had to deal with the Alpha's of

d in the Shadow Pack. Between supposedly bedding multiple she-wolves a week and being notorious in the

at her wolf's actions. "What's with you and those triplets?" Brielle questioned as she sca

lled her eyes at her counterpart. "The s

lf, Brielle found Scarlett practicing some new com

few moments as they abruptly stopped what they were doing to lower their

, but despite her pleas for them to treat her as another pack mem

erately catching her breath from throwing

n year old boy. The blonde shot daggers at his sister, whilst accepting his Alpha

boys hair, messing it up slightly. "I know," she adm

in defeat. "Well she's your problem n

ting in anticipation. "The Triplets of Doom are on the

urs surfacing around the pack and she hadn't liked what she heard in the slight

hucking her water bottle

the other. They never took it easy with one another, they trained hard and viciously. But there w

from forceful hits to their body, the pair laid against the gras

before she turned to look at Brielle. "Wha

I've heard the rumours, Scar." She took a deep breath before turning to meet her

arriage proposal but it sounds like they'll give you a good time in

end before shaking her head.

t in turns to shower off the evidence from their training match. As Scarlet

d a matching training bra, Brielle rested on her bed wh

th a concerned expression on her face. Harlie locked eyes with Brielle, wh

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