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Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 2801    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

heart must be safeguarded in a twink unless there is to take place an alteration in the whole range and scale of his nature. Mercifully, he has never far to look for safeguards.

n the category of the absolute things; and the last treason he will commit will be that breakin

garded it as an impertinence in Elsie Bengough to have prescribed. Two months before, the words "a haunted house," applied to his lovely bemusing dwelling, would have chilled his marrow; now, his scale of sensation becoming depre

e wanted to know. He was resolved to know. Nothing but the knowledge would s

elves in words not to be altered afterwards, so now the questions he put himself seemed to be answered even in the moment of their asking. There was exhilaration in the swift, easy processes. He

to himself; granted that the old house had inexpressibly caught and engaged his spirit; granted that, by virtue of the common denominator of

t was now pellucidly clear. The key, of course, lay in his half-writte

mself mad to have embraced such an opinion; now he

ine the first an

rk in his new place. Other instances of his aversion leaped up to confirm his obscure investigation. There had come the night when he had hardly forborne to throw the whole thing into the fire; and the next morning he had begun the planning of the new Romilly.

oning Fa

pause in thoug

even fancied now, looking back, that there had been something like passion, hate almost, in the supplanting, and that more than once a stray tho

icidal should be extended to his

rrible was now a thing to be fingered and turned t

that had followed it, without a mounting of colour and a quick contraction of the brow. For, wisely or not, he had had that argument out at once. Striding across the square on the following morning, he had bearded Barrett on his own doorstep. Coming back again a few minutes later, he had been strongly of opinion that he ha

e any charge-"

Oleron h

things, as I don't

at windows of the square. "Look you here, my man; you've an unwholesome mind, which probably you

o on my own doorstep

had bl

, and I'm

here's a Gawd above

low scanda

enceforward, looking out of his windows, had seen Barrett's face at odd times, lifting blinds or peering round curta

askance by the dwellers of the square; and he judged it better, until he should be able to obtain other help, to make his purchases of provisions a little farther a

abstruse investigations, in which it wa

doors, when he saw Elsie Bengough crossing the square towards his house. The weather had broken; it was a raw and gusty day; and she had to

of panic had seized him. She must be prevented from setting foot in the place. As he ran along the alley he was conscious

ate, and spoke with

afraid it can't be helped though, and that you'll have to think me a

f he was go

er you don't; a big man you once saw me with…. I ought to have gone yesterday, and-" this he felt to be a br

uare. She had to remind him that his

d to going the other way with you-of course; it's the other way to the bus.

street to th

talk less recklessly through silences. By the time they reached the bus terminus, nobody, seeing the pallid-faced man without an overcoat and the large ample-skirted girl at

should not miss his overcoat, and that he found the day, if an

d been on his mind for some time, and was, indeed, peculiarly difficult to put. He revolved it for some minutes, and

g away for a little w

ely sai

ge. I think I shall go to-morrow, or t

she r

ll be," he continued. "I shall hav

w," she replied

, suspiciously even.

oing," he said, with a little

aight before her, p

w," sh

tled. "How,

oing anywhere

or so before she continued, in the same cont

t this morning. You only came out because I appe

noticed that the wind had given her the pink o

elf often in the glass, but you're rather noticeable. Several people have turned to look

ed a little, and t

no use in continuing this d

re is for you," she replied.

in a voice s

her round eyes


e for a woman. Women such as she, business women, in and out of offices all the time, always, whether they realised it or not, made comradeship a cover for something else. They accepted the unconventional status, came and went freely, as men did, were honestly taken by men at their own valuation-and then it turned out to be the other thing

time he t

his knees, "I suppose the real trouble is in the life

she took the lame generality; sh

e continued, "but you d

d then she added after a mo

attaining a new status, but you

said; she hadn't thought

understood; motives you never dreamed of are attributed to you; and in the end it comes t

t ease. She merely shivered a li


e told her

e from her. It came as the bus stopped at a s

You'd be able to deal with Barrett. It's merely convenient for you to say it's Barrett. I know what it is … b

why. Again she looked straig

ouldn't go on as they have been goin

he repeate

ourself, as far as I'm concerned, perfe

e spirit to ask

t come near for that. But," she dropped her voice, "if you're in need of me, Paul-I shall kn

ld onl

hink that's all. Now go back. I should advise y

kerb as the bus started again. For the first time in all the years he had

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