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The Billionaire Mafia Bad Romance

Chapter 5 05

Word Count: 1054    |    Released on: 12/04/2024


e. A clown was more fitting of a term. A clown and that was what she was. She crossed the short distance to the elevator and on her wa

ace s


ething I have no clue about?"

nderstanding look. She seemed to be getting more than any of us got, as everyday Mr Walters' office would be in a disarray and she had to stay over time

so maybe he considered his actions

that calls himself Kyle Walters." I pointed my pen to the room

hat woman is as low as a hoe." I

He still pays her though, even though the

d up one

ed her head in my bag.

something but I was no

ok a small pinch from the open packet. I hit her hand agai

he whole chicken. It is chicken right and not pork? you know I do not eat pork, right? right?" I shut m

pened the foil and took a larger piece.

urned dark brown. She twisted her index finger in and out of her mouth, swirling it along her tong

he man stood up with a pink blush and apologized to the woman offering to buy her tw

her a

predicament. I was told by my boss to find a document and hell I do

er and looked at her. "Maybe it's a fil

ncluding." Her eyes trailed down to the tri

u think I would stoop so low, I mean, I cannot, but, oh, he has a wife, a family and a mistress outside. I would not want to bri

years." She pulled out her phone. "I mean look at his IG pics, that is some nice dick.

e looked up at me, her eyes ready to

judge you

e and pushed aside my skirt. You should have seen how I shredded. He kissed my neck and chin and that cute spot behind my ears. Then he

need to feel him Pamela but again I have a conscience, thinking about his poo

but again you are scared because he has a wife and family and mistress and also that you are in a relationship with something that is see

th my problems, unlike

. "You'r

a big one" Sh

st-" I cut

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