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My Stone-Hearted Billionaire Husband

My Stone-Hearted Billionaire Husband

Author: Mercy ND

Chapter 1 Betrayal Unveiled

Word Count: 1538    |    Released on: 06/04/2024

tomated door, and her birthdate was the code to unlock it. She couldn't wait to see the surpr

o days earlier from the women's empowerment conference she attended in

dding, the warm embrace, and the loving

unaware of the heart-wrenc

ting from the bedroom. A sinking feeling instantly settled in the pit of h

ene that shattered her heart into a million pieces. Her worst fears were realized in that dev

ssy, with things scattered all over it. She saw red high heels, a beig

nd her younger sister, Kathlyn Allen. Shock thundered through Kourt

roak. Tears welled up in her ey

, how co

quickly shook off the feeling of remorse and breath a sigh of relief instead. He had already been planning to break off the shitty engagement

r gaze, his expre

lately. As dull as a corpse! I’m sick and

ike a dagger to her heart. Her ey

we've been through? You're the one who proposed to me.

pity or even guilt. "I'm sorry, Kourtney. I should never have propose

ache and emotional torture she was experiencing. The betrayal felt even more painful f

's voice cracked as she glanced

heir exchange with keen interest whi

ring you are. You were never good enough for him to begin with. I’ve always been the one he

. It was not the first time Kathlyn was doing somethin

een, Kathlyn intentionally dated a boy she liked and kissed him in front of the entire school. This happened

d fiancé with whom she had already begun to plan a grand wedding. The i

custom-made and sent over by her favorite designer. Her drea

ce freely as the height of

Kourtney's agony. Her eyes glinted with mal

hat he was missing all these years. And

wanted to scream, to lash out at both of them fo

lts and turned her attention back to Brandon. The man she had once thought was her s

person. Just know that your actions have destroyed the lo

clutched her chest as if trying to physically hold the pieces of her shattered heart together. Hot tears streamed down her fa

ed, making it hard to breathe. She was heart

n and Kathlyn had claimed. Everyone knew she was an introverted person, unlike her sister who craved atte

er outgoing personality and charm. Even their parents didn't hid

p, only to be blindsided by this painful betrayal. Her little sist

thought as she left the mansion, her world in ta


miracle that she was able to drive back home safely amidst the excess tears blurring her vision. Thi

r. She couldn't wait to tell them what Kathlyn had done so they would realize jus

rom the living room. Luke Allen, her father, followed closely behind

eetheart?" Margaret asked,

t was hard to find the words to exp

. I caught them in bed together with my own eyes

rembling with despair as she relieved th

r parents because she knew them too well. But what she

ze remained unwavering as if he just heard something normal. There was no shock or surpri

e painful truth: ‘Th

. You

r away. The revelation struck Kourtney like a bolt of lightning. She sw

ld they have known about the betrayal and not said anything? Was it possible that her par

r eyes as she struggl

long have yo

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