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Stolen Moments

Chapter 4 Returned Money

Word Count: 1101    |    Released on: 06/04/2024

George back

washed over m

ed, looking m

er. The surg

the doctor as

make a full


erything, sir,

lled with gr

st the pillows

ying wi

is thanks wit

," I replied.

we take care

ttled, I left


d was still r

day, but I kne

e was still w

't afford to


hed the rece

d the commoti

were consume

pcoming m

. But unbekn

about to stri


d the recep

my briefcase,

In my haste

undle of cas

and tumbled

bills in al

niella Robins

ants on duty

f the money a

a beat at th

ring the fl

y sprang i

protests of h

r to leave t

lla was deter

With a sense

scoop up the

oughts of retu

ful o

r me, Daniell

room, her st

nocking softl

xiously for a

nding in

the door, I

lla standing

ched tightly

sir," she sa

determined. "

his in th

rprise, taking

her hand. It

ation to sink

overcome wi

I said, my vo

eciation. "I


ed, a small s

her lips. "It

lied. "I just

u got i

r once again

m her, carefu

my fingers a

er turn and

but admire her


back into m

drifting back

d encounter w


ning, as I w

, my mind kep

unter with

Her honesty

ting impressio

o do somethi



en of my grati

my room and

taining a ge


want to thank

day," I said,

ease accept t


tated, her ey

she took the

you really d

tested, shakin

ng what anyo

e d

ad, determine

actions had

I insist," I

ove and beyo

hat I truly a

rsuasion, Dan

accepted the

luctance. I

her eyes as s

I felt a sense

I had made he


ways, I could

I wanted to

ter. There w

at intrigued

honesty and

vening, afte

ift at the hote

he would join

t, she agree

t at a nearb

her to arrive,

nse of antici

one to mix

there was so

t made me wa


lly arrived,

et elegant dr

citement. W

and settled i

ion flowing e


d, I learne

ckground and

in life. Her

n only serve

or her, and

in a way I ha

g wore on, I


had ant

a spark be

that tran

nd I knew tha

e it f

know this may

lly like to be

her hand in

ime together

e chance to g

r." I

Daniella smi

and in return

rick," she re


t's been w

our meal a

h of us looki

ty of what th

een with seve

mething spec

that the un

o the bo

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