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In the apocalypse, I possess trillions worth of resources

Chapter 10 Driving Away Annoying Relatives

Word Count: 1352    |    Released on: 10/04/2024

y, how could the police arrest us?" The mention of her son'

t to use me to call the police to get rid of those three burdens, so you can continue to be a Shang family heiress openly, right? If that's the case, you should have said so earlier. I'll call the police right away. Your divor

retended to take out h

Yurong changed instantly, their gaze

e city district belonging to the Shang family, s

d of them all and return to

hing in the villa with greedy eyes. Every year when they came here for New Year's, he would fantasize about living here openly one day and liv

's words fue

e left with a single sentence: "Shang Yurong,

qiao, her eyes filled with

go, listen to

ng panicked, forgetting to negotia

ack, or I'll have to use force."

s wouldn't be cheape

ut his wife going upstairs in anger and couldn't help but feel a headache coming on. Fortunately,

e time to deal with such trivial matters. As for these snacks and fruits, if you're eager to let everyone know that our family doesn't worry

hang Yurong's family and walked to the entrance, changing into sno

own younger sister, and it wasn't appropriate to simply refuse her


a day, it had been hours since the last clearing, and the roads were covered with a thi

o the entrance of the Oasis Park. With everyone on edge due to the long-lasting s

frosted lovers' tree forest, and step by step arri

ow around it had reached Shang Yun's boot tops. Fortunately, she had foot warmers attached to

her and carefully descended from the fishing platform onto t

Biliu River, which nourished many cities in the south. The reason

a shovel from the space and cleared a small section of snow. Afterward, she squ

umping water. Because the lake surface was covered with a thick layer of ice, the water temperatu

, Shang Yun felt the cold seeping up from under her feet. Although she had placed a foot warmer

ct the water?" This thought flashed throu

ce crossed her mind, she saw the water level near th

he space. She saw that the arrangement of items in the space changed instantly, with all

nd grids, Shang Yun stopped th

d all the grids filled with water suddenly merged together, com

pattern remained, while the rest of

th." Plans couldn't keep up with changes, so the

into the space. After spending nearly an hour here, she wasted no

her body, she could feel her f

hail one, Shang Yun could only jog along the way, constantly checking

couldn't find a taxi, which made Shang Yun feel a bit frustrated.

ang Yun finally found a small restaurant that wa

ntion was drawn to two suspicious men getting off

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1 Chapter 1 Return to the Apocalypse2 Chapter 2 Abnormal Weather and Stockpiling3 Chapter 3 Going Home4 Chapter 4 The Arrival of Doomsday, Temperature Drop5 Chapter 5 Snowfall and Venturing Out6 Chapter 6 Sand Lizard7 Chapter 7 Has the Former Her Disappeared 8 Chapter 8 Unease in Everyone's Hearts9 Chapter 9 Who doesn't have a difficult relative 10 Chapter 10 Driving Away Annoying Relatives11 Chapter 11 A Qualified, Outstanding Citizen12 Chapter 12 Let's Join the Volunteers13 Chapter 13 There's a kind of burglary called 'I'm at your house'14 Chapter 14 Unconditional Donation, Three Conditions15 Chapter 15 Shang Yun Catches a Cold16 Chapter 16 Tricking Daughter and Father17 Chapter 17 Shang Yun's Plan18 Chapter 18 Robbed Supplies19 Chapter 19 Seizing the Opportunity, Shang Yun Acts20 Chapter 20 Scavenging for Supplies21 Chapter 21 The Bug-Ridden Little Ball22 Chapter 22 Crisis at the Supply Point23 Chapter 23 Hatred from the Depths of the Soul24 Chapter 24 Making Compromises for Survival - Little Ball25 Chapter 25 Scavenging with a Bear Cub26 Chapter 26 Shang Yun's Frustration27 Chapter 27 Distributing Supplies and Adopting a Panda 28 Chapter 28 Mischievous Little Ball29 Chapter 29 Action Speaks Louder than Words30 Chapter 30 Shang Yun's Struggle and Confusion31 Chapter 31 Shang Yun's Unease32 Chapter 32 Snow Stops, Celebration33 Chapter 33 I Want Zhao Cheng34 Chapter 34 Start and End Where You Began35 Chapter 35 Disaster Escalates36 Chapter 36 Dark Days37 Chapter 37 Ye Rou's Secret38 Chapter 38 Collapse in the Old City District39 Chapter 39 Shang Family Food Chain40 Chapter 40 The Anger in Shang Half-City41 Chapter 41 Shang Yuru's Collapsed Values42 Chapter 42 Gardening in the Backyard43 Chapter 43 Unexpected Visitors44 Chapter 44 The Whole Family Sets Out45 Chapter 45 Opportunity for Space Upgrade46 Chapter 46 Heavy Heart, Shang Yun's Suggestion47 Chapter 47 Zhang Guiping's Request48 Chapter 48 It's All the Little Green Book's Fault49 Chapter 49 Shang Bancheng Finds a Business Opportunity50 Chapter 50 The Scarlet Glaze Blooming Inside the Hero51 Chapter 51 Chaos in the City52 Chapter 52 The Heavenly List53 Chapter 53 Lin Qiaoqiao's Scheme54 Chapter 54 Inviting the Fairy to Return to Heaven55 Chapter 55 Siege and Chaos56 Chapter 56 Imprisoned57 Chapter 57 Crisis, End58 Chapter 58 Shackles and Restraints59 Chapter 59 Renting a Building60 Chapter 60 Planning and Setting Up the Building61 Chapter 61 Luxurious Dormitory Setup