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Married with the Bully Billionaire

Chapter 5 Fake Marriage

Word Count: 1545    |    Released on: 09/04/2024

our brother

d against the wall with his arms crossed. His face looked completely dissatisfie

l faithfully standing beside Nolan. He looks dashing, with black h

roject with ten important investments, right?” Nolan immediately protested without Eve knowing what he

Henry announced it last night, he immediately canceled many projects and let Kimberly take care of it herself in

e man handed over and read it with

sir. Or rathe

rriage as just work. Is money everything in their eyes? Eve is eager to defend her ideals; even th

t can't be delayed until Father com

ung master, but to get married we nee

gally. I know that Mr. Nolan won't be interested in waiting until Mr. Henry co

ontinued Nolan w

in the corner of the room, immediate

at least report to Mom. Please arrange today's schedule; invitations, locati

is watch, then at

et it,

course, sir. The event

ternoon would be fine. So I can hand over the marriage documents

al servants, nodded firmly and prepared to leave the room, leaving Eve and Nolan alone. After discus


touched Eve's shoulder, and trailed his fingers

r hand." N

r w

at Eve coldly.

ch, waist, and hips. Down the thighs, down to the calves. The movement was so smooth, that it

difficulty in heels. They walked down a long hallway in an elegant R

in the glass cupboard was illuminated by lights which made everything look majestic and expensive. In the corner of the room, there were various unused rags and

for this lady

she saw Nolan. “I've been informed by Josh. You came fast." Jules g

an who will be your

lan glanced at her coldly, but Eve ignored him. Then J

y was thin without any lumps and slim. Make her a little fatter and mak

ng was ready, he had arranged the party with Josh and asked his mother's permission. With

ly obey orders even though her husband had an affair with a poor bitch. Embarrassing

an came down the stairs of his house. He looked around and saw a special car for

ne been de

g like a real wedding, we have to go

car and didn't take lon

best about will matters and how Nolan has to be fast and agile to

ide the tall office buildings that fill the sky, Nolan feels this place is perfect for a wedding that i

ocked, Nolan felt more panicked because of Danny's arrival and the will.

on family's will was almost like controlling a country. The Wellington family had many traditions passed down from generation to generation,

. Just like the WT brand company which is now worldwide. Unlimited wealth that ma

be answered until he meets his fathe

looks luxurious. Several relatives had already filled the rooftop, they were chatting h

le Mark, a man with a bright smile wearing a white suit with a bow tie, wal

shook his head. The pri

e down, that's why you need a wife as collateral.

nd was quite close to him because the Wellingt

high school friend. We

ut responsibility. I once heard from your great grandfather, Francisco Elliot Wellington, that he said, that apart from wealth, there is still a mystery tha

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