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Scarred Luna

Chapter 3 The Rejection

Word Count: 860    |    Released on: 09/04/2024

. Wake up, get abused, get his food, ge

of my day constan

he kitchen wall and I knew it was

and left the kitchen, leaving

room, passing by guar

cked, I heard moaning. I frowned as I pressed my

t my chest as I cracked

that escaped my lips from

off her naked back as Lucas pounded her

t I quickly got out of sight and began to run

rridor when Lucas' loud vo

and I gulped nervously

s room as I forced

the verge of breaking apart

said and I

ear washed over me as I slowly pushed the door open

the floor out of f

not pos

not do t

re had to be an expl

wn" he said and I gulped b

said as he turned Mi

lightly and

aid and I froze before I immediatel

my eyes slowly turned to look at Mia. She had a huge

breath as I

on them as tears streamed down my cheeks in p

rammed himself into her and she moaned hi

tried to blur them out o

much and it felt like I was

whispered. I did not know when I did. I h


ourself. No one likes you. Not even your mat

angrily as he pul

s clear, did I not?" H

tell anyone and I did.

d as I hoped for the bes

way" he said as he walked towards me

s long

e me" I begged and he

hard and the impact made me fall to the fl

h Mia following quickly behind us. I shrieked from

egged but he

in the middle of the palace groun

me force in my ribs. I gaspe

ar of what he might do but h

e said and eve

Franklin as my mate" he said and su

wolf howled in my head as well. I gripped my chest from the pain I felt

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