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Domineering CEO,Secretly give birth to his child.

Chapter 3 I'm being bullied, do you care

Word Count: 1372    |    Released on: 11/04/2024

e bullied me,

They clearly promised to give me the latest model,

w I'll be laughed at when


out her grievances. The man leaned against the car, his tall and slende

ot moving. She heard the ma

do you

want this magazine to compensate me for my losses. Rearrange my

xi frowned

get a response from Rong Yuch

n, but she knew the truth. Whatever their relat

Chen Jiang

ouldn't help b

lked calmly to Ning Yuwei

wei's complexion di

e you do

accidentally overhear

ards Ning Yuwei before

s features more clearly. The face before h

ng Tongxi averted her gaz

onth's special edition. You know, September and October are crucial months. If we miss the

won't apologize. If you insist on external pressure to make us a

s then may not be u


getting even the image she usually

laying out the pos

d, seeing Ning Yuwei's

ial is published, we hope to have the opportunity to collaborate with Miss Ning a

t she was well aware tha

es or supermodels. For Ning Yuwei to be featured in such a special

ved that Ning Yuwe

rty still refused to relen

deed influential, but


ore but considering that Rong Yuchan

ory magazine? I'

u, it's o

nodded, too

with Miss Ning. In that case, we wo

around and left wi

h, making a mental note to

e her complaint, only to find Rong Yucheng's ga


had a bad p

ceful Cheng Tongxi, and her own o

pose. Clearly, she saw Rong Yuchan here and



ew his gaze and got

enhancing Cheng Tongxi's impression in Rong Yucheng's min

e corner of his eye could only see t

figure gave him a sense of familiarity,

nk you for pi

down. She absolutely couldn'

oday, that's why I lost my temper

thdrawn his gaze, not respo

, is she a staff memb

? Y

Ning Yuwei became even more cer

uld we go for dinne

tention to remain on Cheng Tongxi

ave only asked casually and didn't in

elief, already determined to te



ipal, accompanied Cheng Tongxi

the quality of our teachers, is top-notch. Of course, the most important thing is that ou

ly provide the bes

her sentence, she saw

ething's wrong. Su

ce changed: "How

ame today, with a cold face the whole time. I only noti

go look

then remembered that Che

ng, we have an emerg

with it. I've already visited the campus, and

iscuss further

, leaving Cheng Tongxi t

t suitable one after she inspe

ng a fuss for days, saying they d

in kindergarten were too

ehave like children. After getting into the car and driving

oadside and turned to look

grape-like eyes staring at her, the small

re clearly. If it weren't for the difference in hairstyle and clothes, C

ties' children attending Aiyou Kindergarten, she didn

k to the Rong family for Rong Yucheng to raise five years ago. Thinking of w

this would include th

note to deal with

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