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Divorcing My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 2 Welcoming My Father In-law

Word Count: 722    |    Released on: 12/04/2024

as I sank on my bed, tears streami

sband who had walked in. With his cold expression,

soon. Don't let your crocodi

sat up on the bed, wiping away my tears,

ied, forcing a calmness into

ned slightly before

ween your best friend and I. If not, you will bear the consequen

clung to my curves in all the right places. I applied minima

irror, I would not allow my

sitting room. As I entered the sitting room, my eyes wandered to

itement. She announced to me that my father in law was alrea

greet him. As I stepped onto the porch, my eyes sought out his ar

h my veins, and my smile instantly faded. There he was. He was

k into the building. I was so fast that he

nd would react once he find

rs pouring down my face. I cradled my head in m

ard a knock on my door, s

ces of tears on my cheeks. I couldn't afford to let him see me like this.

o gather myself before facing anyone. As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I made

sion screen, seemingly unaware of my presence. As I approached, my husband

ief moment, time seemed to stand still as he recognized who I was. He knew what

ut you." He replied with a smil

the turmoil in his eyes

d, his hand instinctively reachi

by his presence, scared that he would want to expose me to his son someday. On several occas

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