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The Laws of Marriage

The Laws of Marriage

Author: Adina Rose

Chapter 1 Her Fiance

Word Count: 1020    |    Released on: 12/04/2024


someone on th

my roommate, called out from the living r


visit me at the moment. Als

lectures on taxation laws from last night that the exhaustion turned out to be dark circles under my e

the living room. He was talking to Jill and she was nodding. It di

he man tur

ed. It’s Sea

h isn’t surprising at all since he’s everyone’s dream type: tall, dark and handsome. He’s also the kindest perso

forehand.” - he walked towards me an

ole story of how I brought myself in this situa

ty?” - I asked. He’s been busy managing his fami

ook his

tel branch nearby. I just cam

o the marriage because I had no choice; because it’s the only way my parents wo

at Jill, who no

you sure?

s the leas

visited him at the office to deliver some plans for the wedding. I got caught u

e Jill wiping the washed dishes clean and placing them back on the cabin

otten anything?” - Sean asked

and shoo

u with a huge backpack and a thick book on


urgent work tonight. He

Sean’s face. Behind us, Jill got

an. Thank you for doi

he said thanks. And then he start

st but their wedding is sooner than mine. Unlike me, she only focused on working at Breather, this entertainment magazine where we both wo

the left or to

the light green building.” - I sai

anks. When I was about to unbuckle my se


inner tonight

be an automatic yes. I should not b


dly see you th

my personal life. However, I know he’s right. I am marrying him, it is a basic princi

gave my word


ked re

I’ll pick you

s the car honked. Right when Sean disappeared on the corner, Jill let out a

e your fiance’s a

hink that’s an

ke being engaged to this go

ld her this is only an act of compromise.

to be upset with me. Are


having din

er sh

’s right. Any woman would kill to be Sean’s wife

inner won’t be

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