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Arrogance and Vanity

Arrogance and Vanity


Chapter 1 Introduction to Anisa and her family in a small Javanese village

Word Count: 1022    |    Released on: 12/04/2024

ed in a small bamboo house woven with coconut leaves, situated on the outskirts of the tranquil village. Anisa was a

ith the sun, performed prayers together in the courtyard, and prepared for their daily activities. Family traditions were d

n, they held small ceremonies at the village temple to honor the gods and seek blessings for abundant harvests. Similarly, on

therness amidst the beautiful nature and learned to appreciate every small moment granted by the Almighty. Anisa

ese village. They serve as a real-life example of how traditional values and hard work form a stro

y, bringing significant changes to the village dynamics. "Anisa, look, there's a new family moving in over there," Anisa said to her m

ent lifestyle. "Anisa, you must be cautious with them, not everything that glitters is gold," said Anisa'

event in the village, and Anisa found herself drawn to Rama's warm personality, although she was aware of the significant social class dif

s inappropriate. "Why are you choosing to associate with them, Anisa? They shouldn't be on the same level as us," said one neighb

er heart's desire to follow her feelings for Rama or obey the social norms and traditions that had bound her until now. This conflict sho

expectations, she found herself torn between her heart and the traditions that governed her upbringing. Despit

hat spoke volumes. Yet, with each passing day, the weight of societal scrutiny grew heavier on Anisa's shoulders.

novelty they brought, others clung fiercely to tradition, viewing the newcomers with suspicion and resentment. Anisa found

oo leaves and the gentle hum of nature offered a temporary reprieve from her inner turmoil. She sought counsel

deeper and more profound. They shared dreams of a future where love transcended socie

societal expectations came at a cost, testing her resilience and challenging her convictions. She

oved ones and the unwavering belief in the power of love to conquer all. Together, she and Rama forged ahead,

ons, overcome adversity, and embrace the beauty of life's unpredictability. In her courage to challenge the status quo, Anisa became a

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