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Seducing the Playboy

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 739    |    Released on: 12/04/2024

en's Poin

e. I couldn't take my eyes off her as we handed the car keys to the valet. I leaned in and

e your fans are eager to meet you." I sighed as the fans rushed towards

One person went a bit far and asked for a cheek signature, but at least it didn't get too inapprop

felt a strong attraction towards her, but I tried to focus on my wife. When my wife saw the lady, she ran up to

st her eyes. I didn't see any other men around, which made me a bit more comfortable. I

r-in-law. Or should I call you Mr. Famous?

y nose, saying, "Well, I g

ows and commented, "Oh,

time, but later I understoo

t he was checking on the meals for the night. I turned around and saw a man who seemed taller, wider, and m

the same person Portia had been in a relationship with for a year. I couldn't help but feel jealous. I rudely in

otel. Portia proudly added that he was a famous businessman. I felt small compare

that I was inviting everyone. But Lucas shook his hea

asked, "What

cused on Portia. Lucas got down on one knee, pulled out a huge diamond ring, and asked Por

an't marry you! She has a family, and we need to

d at me in shock. My wife whi

t to my surprise, Portia responded to her boyfriend, "Well,

his pocket, and pointed his finger at me, saying,

I feel so angry and jealous, wanting to whisk Portia away from that place? I had

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