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Memories Of A Wolf

Chapter 4 Future Luna

Word Count: 2306    |    Released on: 13/04/2024


ely managing. I stammered to get myself together, but the lifeless corpses of wolves nearby obscured my line of vision, making my head s

he bloody mess as his orbs met mine,

ted, his tone deadly an

bliged when Alpha St

ward my presence. And yet, here he stood, akin to a chivalrous knight, coming to my rescue. It often crosses my mind whether he's deliberately crafting an image, one I find hard to resis

wasn't for me—it was for herself, for how the Alpha might chastise her. Her gaze lingered

head and an

"You heal well...for someo

f they were insinuating that I was one of them. But even if I were to be counted among them, why did I not se

r the appearance of an eighteen-year-old; I appear older. Maybe I fell into the category of thos

age to not make a sound while she was tending to me. I must admit it hurts badly. However, I want to appear courageous an

lmly but neutrally gazing. His attention made me shift uncomfortably in my seat. Finally, realizin

ly expressed my gratitude, I couldn't be sure if she caught it. Just as she was

ey attac

The ro

they address

o keep moving. Though, given your condition, it'

mind. Though I am fully conscious and alert, my body was beaten up, dried, and deprived of rest and food. I was not in a better shap

, head-turning towards the sprawle

of your concern, not unles

on't kno

s of pushed the narrative that I was

attacked in such a way that

ks out here. Of course, they would want you dead—but seeing

pping her anger toward me. Whirling in c

. He did it unexpectedly and I wordlessly responded. Martha opened her mouth as if to question but quickly closed it

arted marching his way toward the snow-cladded path, leaving the faintest of footprin

o each other, however, they just followed suit. And by the time

couldn't help my attention upon digesting our proximity. He was eminently beautiful now that I could see him clear

" I mumbled a

us. Then, obscured by the shadows of trees, I saw how Alpha's eyes brightened and turned into crimson. It made me w

lew upon the

e camp. They knew what was ahead. What

fortunately, he didn't know that I was also staring. T

ss while we're in the wintry forest," Alpha emph

a bit, but his eyes never left the trail and that mad

my head against his chest. I knew that he was about to protest, but I felt him draw a breath when

you doi

utinized me fo

do you

ed me..." I


r explained. "—the girl you sent

anding; still, it sen

our welfare. All I need is your m

f I run

ves are one thing, but surviving out there in

eart in a faze

o be involved i

, but your kin

hing to do

a changed person. Your essence

apologize for

t matter. It doesn't

r his gaze turned to one of disdain, my heart felt like it was being squeezed

so sure that I

ignature color of

ard I try and make sense of

ted when Martha intervened. She was supp

raine say if she saw her...l

it clear between us. She understood the co

on that I shouldn't overstep my boundaries. Something at the back of my throat clogged up. My heart w

ver, I was afraid to hear the answer.


th each passing time. The weather didn't falter, it became colder and harsher. For the first time ever, I had to admit bei

cross. Beyond the bridge, I could scarcely see the silhouette of a castle frontier etched against t

. I simply cannot comprehend the magic the forest contains. One second it was dark and snowing, the next thing

now magic. What more

but instead of delving into the matter at hand, he directed his attention toward someone who r

me. Even from afar, the Kingdom uphill is beyond massive, the dense clouds

f, however, Alpha seemed to catch wind of what

e turning to the emiss

my stomach when I felt it twisting from hunger. And as if attuned to the rumble, Alpha stole a


ed for the second time, but it wasn't because of hunger. The look she had on her f

id you

ng you, don't ever cause trouble


uieted down when her wariness perturbed me. I thought our conversation would b

a veiled cloak to wear. Without query, I wore it and hid my face inside

s suddenly plagued by my uncertainty. Alpha on the other hand is fueled by impatience t

ers did the same. Martha on the other hand, still bothered me. Alpha Strevu

n ar

he swung himself behind me and started holding the reins. With a lump in my throat, I gulped and was almost

fields and rocky pastures as the wind sl

and ahead of us, Martha

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1 Chapter 1 Why can't I remember anything 2 Chapter 2 What was he 3 Chapter 3 See this This is what we are... 4 Chapter 4 Future Luna 5 Chapter 5 She's a captive... albeit also a guest. 6 Chapter 6 Get off her 7 Chapter 7 Moon Rising8 Chapter 8 Rogues! 9 Chapter 9 What makes you think I wanted you 10 Chapter 10 What do you expect to hear 11 Chapter 11 I want to recover my memories. 12 Chapter 12 Was I a wolf 13 Chapter 13 What on earth are you playing at, Knight! ... 14 Chapter 14 You still have a chance at a mate... 15 Chapter 15 Stop for now... also with your obsession Arwen... 16 Chapter 16 Even if that meant betraying your pack 17 Chapter 17 To break our bond. 18 Chapter 18 ... I don't even love your brother. 19 Chapter 19 You have been summoned by the King. 20 Chapter 20 ...am I beyond forgiveness 21 Chapter 21 Vampires! 22 Chapter 22 Protect the Luna! 23 Chapter 23 I won't let anything happen to you. 24 Chapter 24 ... I don't care who's his woman or Luna. 25 Chapter 25 ...I never once told you that we are in a civil relationship. 26 Chapter 26 A tail for a tail, head for a head.27 Chapter 27 Though this wasn't his battle, it was mine.28 Chapter 28 Have you thought about my proposition 29 Chapter 29 Help me, 30 Chapter 30 Alpha Knight and I are far from lovers... 31 Chapter 31 What's your relationship with the prince 32 Chapter 32 Why was I even thinking about him 33 Chapter 33 Perhaps my training wasn't as fruitful as I thought.34 Chapter 34 Aren't you fascinated with the amount of things you can do 35 Chapter 35 I don't want to pressure you either about this new idea I have, 36 Chapter 36 You shouldn't be tiring yourself, my lady. 37 Chapter 37 At least... everyone is okay.38 Chapter 38 Why are you avoiding me 39 Chapter 39 Why can't I just know without people questioning my motives 40 Chapter 40 I had been maintaining our distance...