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Chapter 3 Unexpected Encounters

Word Count: 1900    |    Released on: 14/04/2024

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, can I go now?” Dorian glanced at the top right corner of the computer; it was after seven. He nodded slightly, “Yes.” “Thank you, boss.” After hurriedly saying thank you, Yael lightly picked up his things and ran out. As the office door closed, Dorian finally

s that he had once found fascinating now seemed insipid to him. He pushed the keyboard away, stood up, ripped his suit jacket off the coat rack, bent down to grab his car keys from his desk, and left the office. All his excitement slowly stabilized after he got into the car. He let out a sigh and started the engine, slowly beginning to drive. Outside the car window, the bustle of the city shon

his gaze passed cal

l the same as always, calm and serene. Amelia looked at him surprised and nodded. “Yes, I'm going to buy some things.” Dorian nodded, without saying anything else. That had been his normal for the last two years. So she did

but he didn't leave either. Amelia could see his car still parked in the same place from the reflection of the glass of a store, she frowned in confusion and entered the supermarket on the corner. The

, but since they already treated each other as strangers even within the marriage, she could not gre

speak, he just followed behind her in silence, they went up the building together. When they reached the door of her apartment, she finally couldn't help it, she turned around doubtfully and looked at him, “Do you need anything?” Dori

t.” Dorian extended his hand to her, 'Give it to me.' “No need, I can do it.” Amelia didn't finish rejecting the offer when Dorian had already taken the spotlight from her hands. He looked up at

The calm and deep voice came from above while Dorian was already skillfully removing the focus. Amelia had never seen him change a light bulb, but she supposed that smart people had a natural gift for doing things right, and Dorian's movements we

d took a step back, putting distance between them. Dorian's gaze moved slowly from her retreating legs to her face, settling on her eyes, but he said nothing. His silence made her feel more un

ll behind her head, lifting her face to his, his breath cool and close. Dorian kissed her. Amelia instinctively tried to push him away. The hands around her waist and behind her head suddenly tightened and he dee

s confused, but Dorian didn't give her a chance to think, the kiss became more and more intense, and just when it s

aised his hand to press his face against her collarbone. A

elia thanked in a low voice, without looking at him, she simply took the cell phone, pressed the answer button and turned

ing English reached her ear, “Shall I speak to Miss Amel

quickly recovered, joy spreading throughout her being. "Oh really?" The surprised tone made Dorian, who was outside, turn to look at her. Amelia felt a little embarrasse

ing, just work stuff.” "Job?" Dorian frowned, he had never seen her so happy about something related to her work. "You're lying to me." Discovered, Amelia hesitated for a moment, “It's about studies, they accepted me at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich." Dori

ral Institute of Technology in Zurich, hoping to resume her life plans that were interrupted by her pregnancy and marriage. She had studied architectural design at university and had always had the idea of pe

life, transforming her from an enthusiastic young professional passionate about life to a weak housewife, questioning her worth daily between domestic tasks and the contempt of her husband's family. She didn't want to continue like this. His silence was a confirmation. Dorian turned his face coldly. "I see," he said. "Wish you

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1 Chapter 1 Unexpected Realization 2 Chapter 2 Unraveling Ties3 Chapter 3 Unexpected Encounters 4 Chapter 4 A Decision unfoldes5 Chapter 5 Farewells and Uncertainties6 Chapter 6 Unspoken Thoughts 7 Chapter 7 Unanswered Questions 8 Chapter 8 Unforeseen Events 9 Chapter 9 Silent Realization 10 Chapter 10 Intersecting Destinies11 Chapter 11 Unexpected Departures12 Chapter 12 Family Ties And Relationships13 Chapter 13 Crossroads Of Destiny: Choices And Consequences 14 Chapter 14 Corporate Conundrums: Love, Ambition, and Past Rivalries15 Chapter 15 Navigating Relationships And Decisions16 Chapter 16 The Vanishing Act17 Chapter 17 Fragile Strength18 Chapter 18 A Familiar Name19 Chapter 19 The Commanding Presence20 Chapter 20 Unspoken Understanding21 Chapter 21 Unexpected Encounters 22 Chapter 22 A Chance Encounter 23 Chapter 23 Childhood Connections24 Chapter 24 Thoughts 25 Chapter 25 A Night Of Mystery26 Chapter 26 The Enigmatic Past27 Chapter 27 The Veil of uncertainty28 Chapter 28 The Bond of Responsibilities 29 Chapter 29 Echoes of the past30 Chapter 30 Temptation and Opportunity31 Chapter 31 Unexpected encounters32 Chapter 32 A reunion ignited33 Chapter 33 Unspoken Desires34 Chapter 34 Unspoken Tension35 Chapter 35 Navigating Formalities36 Chapter 36 Serendipitous Encounters37 Chapter 37 Interwoven Destinies38 Chapter 38 Connection And CrossRoads39 Chapter 39 Forging Forward40 Chapter 40 Undercover Encounter41 Chapter 41 Whispers Of Destiny42 Chapter 42 Late Night Conversations43 Chapter 43 Evening Stroll44 Chapter 44 Whispers in the Wind45 Chapter 45 Midnight Empanadas and Questions46 Chapter 46 Echoes of Memories47 Chapter 47 Uncertainty and Doubt48 Chapter 48 Unveiling Secrets49 Chapter 49 A chance Encourage50 Chapter 50 In the eyes of Recognition51 Chapter 51 Tangled Reflection52 Chapter 52 Fleeting Shadows53 Chapter 53 Unraveling Secrets54 Chapter 54 Encounters At Esencia Hotel55 Chapter 55 The Enigma Of The Bracelet56 Chapter 56 The Secrets Of The Bracelet57 Chapter 57 Struggles Of Identity And Love58 Chapter 58 Unraveling the truth59 Chapter 59 A web of connections60 Chapter 60 The bracelet's secret61 Chapter 61 The weight of Identity62 Chapter 62 Unraveling roots: The search for Identity63 Chapter 63 A melancholic Reunion64 Chapter 64 In the shadows65 Chapter 65 Fractured Bond66 Chapter 66 Fading Traces