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Chapter 7 WHY HIM

Word Count: 1280    |    Released on: 16/04/2024


y m

”? we haven’t heard

t two days, stop exaggerating, I

uriously knowing they wer

with the Medical board, he ha

hy they are always worrie

are of myself, I'm

e still our baby and

you guy

ow is

smile knowing how

She questions mischievously, I

fully while blushing deeply

now, I know what goes on there and

fe please, I'm too youn

usly, I miss her mor

, I have to go

o honey' and ca

ut of battery. I plugged it in and proceeded to the ki

s after what happened in the library. I wonder " what are we now,

these days. Well, I'm kinda used to it so it's not new, I really hope Landon doesn't break h

a text message. I unlocked my phone and

you"? I stare at the

he person calling me 'baby? I thi

ake my head in doubts, h

op up while I was

our number from the

doing a somersault, " OMG"

d back " Hello

mmediately " Cal

with the amount of b

wanted to hear from

ed like a little girl an

ee, twisting and turning w

acher for goodness sakes. I fell asleep wi

meant no school. I woke up la

e pizza. The plan was so binge wat

blanket and turned on the TV. Thirty minu

outhful of pizza withou

I say chew

y food in shock cough

e yo

" I said still

ke to go out

tuttered in shock, did he

I- I would

I will pick you up


h pacing, I picked up my

ut of breathe, hmm, I wo

y, can you come home

n missy, w


e, I'm o

minutes later and s

e" and so I

n and he asked you out?" Sh

te time I see" s

t have accepted, what was I thinking? He's a decade olde

rambling is giving me a hea

s you, that's all that mat

d to so intensely, don't you want to explore i

on the couch wi

egative parts and just think

exceptionally beautiful,

means I have about tw

cking me

Jenna screamed lo

a started with my makeup. I wanted something light and calm which she

rt dress. We finally settled for the black dress and I looked cute. I

out and Jenna rushed to the door exci

He wore a black v neck t shirt and paired it with a dark washed jean.

fessor Kane" Jenna

ards me and it was like time stopped

r throat breaking

I blushed hard while m

owards me handing me a b

, how did he know"?

ng a Bentley. " Is this yours “?

is head. I guess Jenna

e and I smiled while sitting

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