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Daddy’s little girl

Chapter 2 Sharon

Word Count: 621    |    Released on: 17/04/2024


n’t carry out his threat because I kno

rked as a waitress at a five star hotel. The pay there is very big and i

n, I saw my boss taking a bribe from a woman whose identity I know nothing about. I was not shocked thoug

I was able to hide from him. For Goodness

u asked for

, I want her.

not want me to open the door to her husband’s room. I do not wa

my boss likes me enough to not want to follow the woman the

ed me to a room and told me I can get off work if I finished

e them assigning the both of us there only means there is a lot to do. As we got there, I wanted to knock but the door was open. Should we really go in? I turned to ask Elizabeth, then all

panicking then I started feeling hot, I noticed some weird incense that the ho

d. He started unbuttoning my shirt and my brain was screaming for me to push him away but my desire and the tingl

like fire until he pushes my dress of my shoulder so it hangs from my hips. We let

e mum wouldn’t wake me up because I needed a lot of sleep. What the actu

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