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Word Count: 1059    |    Released on: 17/04/2024


got to this close stage and nobody can ever understand us. We found

, sweat

did was break down in front of me. There were times I heard him cry in his

e he would always wake up with a nasty temper. The dreams that wakes him up always pro

she had seen for herself what the consequences of her disobedience was. As we walked along the long hallway, I coul

e in a flash” I remarked and that on

you bring me to someone who would send me to my early grave? Why did he have to take my

I stopped without notice and I grabbed her ri

s she closed her eyes to bea

one that told me you were up to the ta

o be slaughtered like a lamb” she prote

he didn’t care. She just started showing me

hokehold, red skins and scattered hair? It also hurts like craz

e why I was reacting that way. My hands trailed down her neck,

you weren’t carried out and walked out with your two feet.

not a woman like me?” she scoffed and a

and make it equal with your skin? You don’t get to talk back to me”

ing to the huge waiting room, I tossed her a bulky white envelope and two men ca

ll make sure you become food to the fishes. Your flesh will be juicy with the lo


ce was situated. The boys had lined from the entrance to the door of

Boss!)” they all echoed

trides till he took his seat on his chair and ev

oke the tensed silent atmosphere and

neyard and we have started the necessary works on it this morni

d as she placed a new

was just as expected. It will flow with the dance just like the c

he names of those that tried to smuggle our products

tly with his eyes glued to it. He didn’t utter a word but his shoe sa

peak. He finally cleared his throat and Bojana knew what it was right away.

d you, I picked you up from the smelly pit, inside the rotten trash and cleaned you up. I fed, clothed and even gave you a s

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