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To be loved

Chapter 5 Disrespectful and rude

Word Count: 1254    |    Released on: 19/04/2024

fter we had dinner and O

opened the door not waiting for her reply and we stepped i

, when she wasn

inutes before she came out, wrapped in a white towel. She dabbed her

California like in our little town back home where everybody knows almost everybody." she paused and studied our faces. "So I’ve got a

t's very much late enough," she looked at us once more. Is she like expecting us to s

e opened, when you get back from school, before anything, you're to finish up any ot

ow," she handed me the notepad, "here, you both go through it yourse

t w

ally." Brie says, “and now, you're telling us to just get out without even finish

ecting protests of some kind," she argued "but you both we

u wanted us to say something

she says an

ing our faces." Brie said

o 11:00, and the open door rule should maybe apply only to girl v

ughs, "don't even think ab

we should prot

I'd agree to it,

eplied her with a slig

bed, "and turn the lights off, please." She added bef

." I said to Brie and w

list?" Brie asked me when we were about to depart t

waiting for her to reply, so I could go in, I can already

she shrugs and o

heard or not, I was already asleep


d, shaking me a lit

was Brie, I'm not

there's no school today," I jumped awa

o school today?" I asked he

ched out and smacked

hat?" I asked as I touched

ion of no school, you lazier than a

ool," just one day there and I'm tired of it already,

t care" she says and st

there really no school or you

and I dance an Irish

ol, no school, no

t yesterday was very stressful, maybe it was because it was just

I'm hitting


is idiot friend of mine from WV, was stressing my life over the phone right n

you left for California and you've start to insult me already," he says. "You'r

hut up," I told

him shaking his head with his disappointed expression, "just tell me if

I never been productive with my time?" I ask him.

"okay lemme ask this, what d

have this one, I hadn't planned on doing anything today be

'," he says, "and now that you are aware, you're probably just going to be sitting and watching," he paus

why did he have t

not going to answe

says and I heard h

d you say Brie wen

nts to do new city hair."

" he said

hopping wi

I’ll talk to you late

replied and e

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