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Affairs of Gilded Love

Chapter 4 The Kiss

Word Count: 900    |    Released on: 18/04/2024

s the air, mingling with the soft rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze. The moonlight bathes the gar

velation. She knows the expectations placed upon her as the daughter of Edward Sinclair, a man whose influence extends far beyond the conf

notices that her hand is tracing the same path on he

s her. There is an undeniable attraction to Charles's charm

ion with Charles. A wave of anger washes over her as she mulls their lack of communication. Why would her father make such a monumental

tions to her. Perhaps she would have been more willing to entertain the idea if he had shared his reasons for advocating f

. Maybe she could have described to him how much she desired to choose her partner, how in her heart

hat he will listen if she shares the depth of her feelings with him, to make him understand that she refuses to sacrifice her happiness for the sake of tradition. Ye

faint voice whisper

ches as Elise enters, her presence a welcome balm to Sadie's troubled mind. Despite her

her voice wavering. "Wh

die, her steps graceful but measured. "The party is nearing an end, and y

," Sadie answer

inger to dance across th

strokes the top of her fingers. Her breath quickens as she feels a craving she has never felt before. Sa

hand when she hears her

e choking with emotion. "I fear I am

nt, Miss Sinclair," Elise's wh

adie leans close to Elise, finding her lips w

moan as Sadie's tongue slinks

rings the world to life. Sadie brings her hands to

r increases. Their lips barely part for either to

s along Sadie's neckline. "Yes, yes," she pant

gue licking her lush crimson-flushed

," Elise pants, leaning b

" again across the lawn, Sadie nods. Elise stands, straightens the hem of

she possibly marry Charles when her heart is so chaotic? Sadie knows she

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